Lavender Slime [Goodra TF]

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John walked through the forest, looking at his GPS until he tripped over a hole. His foot had caught on the wall of the hole, causing him to lose balance and hit the ground. "AH, MY LEG!" He shouted, carefully pulling his leg out of the hole. It had been twisted by the fall. "Ugh, I need to find balance and get back." He looked at his GPS once again. "Great, even the GPS is lost." He mumbled to himself, searching the area. "Better explore while I can."

John crawled through a thick wall of trees, before finding out that the land entirely stopped. "What this a cli--" He began to ask himself, before something pushed him forwards, making him fall down the steep hill. He heard a crack on the way down and screamed. He hit the floor, and another crack was heard. "''s broken..." He cried to himself. "I can't get back to the city at all now...I'm...I'm hopelessly lost."

He dragged himself forwards, hoping to find another human in the forest. A blood trail was being left as he crawled, as the bone breaking had also broken open some skin. "I don't want to die trying to find some stupid Pokémon..." He said, sobbing slightly. He suddenly heard a Pokémon noise, and started crawling towards it. Before he even got to the noise, slime started to fall onto him. "What is this gooey...ugh..." John groaned.

He looked above him, but saw no Pokémon. All he saw was a small bit of lavender slime dripping from the leaf of a tree right above his head. "Yuck...this is disgusting..." He muttered. The Pokémon noise got closer to him, and John rested himself against a nearby tree. "I guess it'll come to me." He said, sighing. As the Pokémon noise came closer, he noticed a female Goodra. "This is probably what made the noise." He said, chuckling a little. "At least I found a Pokémon!" That's when he first noticed the changes.

The first thing was that his leg had been fixed to normal. "Wh...what?!" He cried out, staring at his leg. He looked at the Goodra. "How is this...oh my god..." He said to himself. He felt slime cover over himself. "Wh--what's happening?" He yelled. The Goodra seemed to smile. John held onto the tree to get up, and noticed that his clothes came off too easily. He felt something on his hands, and saw that pale green slime had started dripping from them. "What's happening?!" He almost screamed.

He felt himself gain weight, and stopped at a little over 330 pounds. His fingers merged into only 2 on each hand, but stayed a similar shape to how they were. He felt four antennae grow on his head; two small ones, and two that were long and went behind him. The bottom of his face down to his now fatter stomach turned mauve. He grew a few inches, as he was 5' 04'' before (pretty short), and his feet merged into two toes on each foot. He felt two green spots form on both sides of his face, one on each side right next to the face, and the other slightly below the other. "H-help...Goo..." He realized that his voice had changed too. The same pale green slime on his hands started dripping from his chin, and his neck started stretching upwards too. "Goodra!" He tried to say something else, but it came out as Pokémon speech. By now, he definitely knew what he was turning into. His legs fattened, but his feet remained the same. A large tail burst from his back, with the bottom of it being mauve. His eyes turned green, and three green spots similar to the ones on his face, which were on both sides of the tail, formed. The tail curled inwards at the end.

John looked at his new body. "What did you do?" He asked the Goodra, though it would've come out different for any human watching the incident. "I made you into a Goodra, of course, so you could be with me!" The female Goodra replied, smiling at him. John sighed. "Well...alright..." He said, smiling a little. And, that's basically the beginning of a strange love story between two Goodras.

Author's Note: If there's no name at the start, I made it.

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