Arcade Of Changes [Multiple TFs]

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[Transformations: Female Pikachu, Furret, Charmander, Sandshrew, & Alolan Vulpix]

"Huh, a new arcade." Sam said as she looked at the news. "Alright! Let's go!" I said, running off. Sam followed, along with the rest of my friends who were along: Katie, Jake, and Michael.

As I reached the arcade, I saw a notice on the door. Sam quickly pulled me inside, so I didn't have a chance to read it. She ran to a slots machine and started playing. "Weird, why are there slots here?" I asked. "Yeah, that is--wait, look at her!" Michael said. Her shoes had fallen off, which revealed her feet, which had become yellow, 3-toed feet.

Michael stared at Sam's changed feet in shock, while Katie and Jake were looking for games to play. We did nothing but watch as her changes continued, and she was completely oblivious to them. She had shrunk to only about 1 foot, and was now standing up on the machine to continue playing. Sam seemed to also become much lighter, and her torso was a pure yellow. A long, lightning-bolt shaped tail with a heart shape at the end of it grew from her back, starting at a light shade of brown.

"We have to get out of here." Michael said. Sam's arms became shorter as her fingers became smaller and sharper, like claws, but not. Two brown stripes had grown on her back. Two red electric sacs grew were her cheeks were, and her nose became extremely small and turned black. Finally, her ears, which became much bigger, moved onto the top of her head, and became black at the tops, making her a complete Pikachu.

"We should--OOH, what's that?" Michael asked, running off. I quickly picked up Sam, listening to her dazed mumbles, and looked around for the others. I found Michael, and his changes had already begun.

Micheal's legs had basically disappeared while his feet became 3-toed paws with pink pads. Michael shrunk to a little under 6 feet (he was 6 and a half feet before) and a tail about half the size of him now grew from his back, three brown rings growing on it as one grew on the bottom of his body. The tail, and the rest of his skin, was cream-colored. Michael's arms became much stubbier as his hands became brown 3-toed paws with pink pads. Two brown lines grew on each cheek as Michael's eyes became completely black.

Michael's back had become brown while his ears moved to the top of his head, became larger, and now had a cream-colored tip on each ear. The rest of the ear was brown. Michael was a complete Furret. Michael snapped out of his distraction and looked at himself. "Fur...Furret!" He yelled.

"Now where are Katie and Jake?" I asked myself. "Wait, what's that?" I asked, dropping Sam. I instantly ran to it. "Pika!" Sam yelled behind me. At that moment, I felt thrown out of my body. I could do nothing but watch as I was quickly changed.

I was floating behind myself now. I quickly noticed the orange scales covering my body, making me lighter and smaller at the same time somehow. By the time I stopped getting lighter and shrinking, I seemed about 2 feet and around 20 pounds. My legs became shorter, covered in orange scales, as cream scales covered my belly. My toes merged into 3 on each foot and became white claws. My hands each lost a finger, and all became sharp, but small, fingers. My nose disappeared into my body, leaving the nostrils, as my eye color became blue, and My hair fell out, the orange scales covering my head entirely. Finally, a tail with a cream bottom and orange top grew from my back, with a healthy flame at the end. I had become a Charmander.

Afterwards, I was sent back into my body, feeling dizzy from the sudden jump. I fell onto the floor, and Michael quickly helped me up. "We still need to find...gghhhh..." I muttered. "Yeah, and we should find them quickly." Sam said. Michael just nodded.

We quickly found Jake, who was busy playing some kind of bowling game. "Get him!" Sam yelled to Michael, who quickly pulled Jake away from the game. He became instantly dazed. Unfortunately, it was too late, as the changes began immediately after.

Jake's skin became tougher, forming into a yellow brick pattern, except for his belly and the lower part of his face, which quickly became a muzzle. His eyes became completely black as his ears moved further up his head and became slightly bigger and more triangular. His arms and legs became shorter, Jake's hands merging and changing into 3, sharp, white claws on each hand, and 2 large white claws on each foot. A brick pattern tail grew from his back as Jake shrunk to 2 feet and only about 25 pounds, making him a complete Sandshrew.

Jake groaned as he snapped back into reality, looking around and then at himself. He looked at the game for a second, and carefully climbed down off of the chair. "Wh...Where's Katie?" He asked in a slow, dazed voice. "Somewhere in this arcade...we have to find her." I said. Michael held him up as we walked around the arcade, searching for Katie.

We finally found her, playing a pinball game. "Katie!" Jake yelled, trying to run to her. Michael held him back. "Don't. Let it happen first." Michael said quickly. Jake sighed. Her changes began very quickly, like we had started them.

Katie's ears had become covered in white fur as they became bigger, more triangular, and farther up on her head. A large tuft of white fur grew between her ears as her eyes became completely blue. Her face pushed out into a slightly long muzzle, as her nose became a small black snout. Her arms grew a strange shade of blue fur starting at the wrists, as her fingers merged into 3, and her hands became paws. Her arms had also reshaped to become front legs of a quadruped.

Katie's legs suffered the same fate, her feet becoming 3-toed paws in the same shade of light blue as her now front legs. Her legs became hind legs of a quadruped as 6 connected, white tails grew from her back and she shrunk to 2 feet and only about 20 pounds, making her a complete Alolan Vulpix.

We carefully got her down off of the pinball machine and we all headed to my house to get stuff we needed, and headed into the forest, hiding from any humans.

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