Discovery [Zeraora TF]

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So, this is SORT OF recent. On April 9th, a new legendary Pokémon was revealed, that being Zeraora. I would suppose this is a little late to make it, but nah. Same month, so it's not late. Not at alll.

"There's something weird about this general area." My assistant said, moving his finger around at a bright yellow circle. "Hm. Looks like we should see." I replied. My assistant, Jonathan, looked up at me. "No! We can't!" He said to me. "I'm going, whether you like it or not. We have to see what it is." I said. He sighed. "Fine. I'll come." He said, as we exited the lab.

"This part of the region is oddly calm." I said, reaching a very calm area. "Yeah, that's weird." My assistant, whose name is Nolan, said. I walked forward, as the ground shook. A cave burst from the ground, from almost out of nowhere. "Well, let me guess, you're going in?" Nolan asked. "Yep." I replied. He sighed. "Let's do this already, Mason." He muttered, as we entered the cave.

At the end of the cave, which was small, there were writings on the wall. "That's weird--" I said, before I unknowingly stepped on a pressure plate. A door quickly shut behind me, locking Nolan out, and leaving me in this small room. The writings lit up with a bright yellow, before electricity started shooting from them. I was hit in the shoulder, making me yell and fall back onto the floor. Now, I was sitting against the door that had just shut behind me. I screamed as I noticed the beginning of my transformation: the shrinking.

I had shrunk to a little under 5 feet, and (as I had later checked), I was only 98 pounds. I screamed as my feet twisted around, and I quickly got out of my clothes to look. My feet had became 3-toed paws, covered in black fur, with sharp white claws. My feet had also become more stretched out, too. I watched in shock as these changes continued up to my legs. 

My legs became thicker, being covered in yellow fur, though looking tied at the "transition" point between my leg and my foot. Slightly above that point, a large, black, zig-zagged line of black fur covered over the yellow. At the bottom of my torso, the yellow fur stopped, as my torso became slightly slimmer. Black fur covered it, except for a bit of blue fur at the chest. Yellow fur covered my shoulders as my arms began to change.

"MASON?!" Nolan screamed. I could hear him banging on the door. I was too much in shock to reply. My arms had also become slimmer, though thick, yellow fur grew around them after the upper arm was covered in black fur. Two black lightning bolt-like spots of black fur covered part of the yellow fur at my hands as they grew slightly larger, my thumb disappearing completely. My hands both lost their thumbs and became paws, with blue pad-like circles on the palms.

I coughed as the changes spread up to my neck, my voice box being changed to fit this...creature. "Zer..." I muttered. Two large, blue, lightning bolt-shaped whiskers grew on my face as my mouth lost nearly all teeth. Yellow fur sprouted from both sides of my head behind the whiskers, sticking out slightly. My ears moved farther up my head, becoming larger and more hollow, and became covered in yellow fur. A leaf-like shaped spot of blue fur grew at my forehead, sticking up, as a tuft of fur grew between my ears, and a long yellow ponytail extended from the back of my head, shaped like a lightning bolt.

I awkwardly got up from where I was and backed up as the door raised into the ceiling. "Woah..." Nolan muttered, staring awkwardly at me. I tried to say, "Nolan, it's me," but it came out as "Zera, Zeraora." Nolan fumbled for his Pokédex, quickly getting it out. He pointed it at me, and he read, "Zeraora, the thunderclap Pokémon. It approaches its enemies at the speed of lightning, then tears them limb from limb with its giant claws." His face went pale as he read the entry. He slowly backed up, looking back at me.

"Nolan, don't leave me!" I quickly said, though once again he couldn't hear me, but instead heard "Zera, ora Zeraora!" "W-where's Mason?" He asked nervously, trying to back up but instead tripping and falling onto the floor. He looked behind me. "M...Mason?" He muttered, clinging onto the cave wall to balance himself. I nodded, knowing he wouldn't understand me. 

After we got back to the lab, Nolan had an idea. "Computer!" He said, running over to it and opening a simple document. "Ta-da." He said happily as I walked over to it. Afterwards, that's how I talked from then on, until Nolan and I made a device that could translate Pokémon speech to human speech.

Pokemon Transformation Collection [Anthology]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora