Chapter Four

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"Answer it!" Hayden yelled through the speaker. My eyes widened and my stomach clenched as my thumb hovered over the answer button.

"Rory I swear if you don't answer that call I will come over there and strangle you." My best friend continued to threaten me as I tried to hype myself up.

"Okay. I'll call you back Hade." I said as I clicked on the answer button. "Hello?" I said in my most calming voice.

"Rory?" His voice was deep and husky and I wanted to just melt into it.

"Yeah. I'm guessing this is Ian." I said trying to flirt a little bit. Needing to occupy myself, I began to mindlessly put things away in my desk drawers.

"Yeah." He laughed a deep sexy laugh. "I was beginning to think your friend gave me the wrong number." He said.

I laughed. "Oh, no. Sorry I was cleaning my room." I quickly lied.

He chuckled. "Are you still cleaning your room?"

I felt my cheeks burning even though he wasn't able to see me. My hands froze on the stapler I was currently attempting to shove into my drawers. "Nope. All done." I winced at how nervous I sounded and I mentally cursed Kody for not allowing me to have a social life.

"Cool. So I was actually calling you to see if you were busy later on this week."

I chewed on my lip. "I'm pretty free later on this week." I said trying to hold back a smile. I wished Hayden was here. She would have told me if I was supposed to play hard to get or not, I was just playing it by ear.

"Okay cool." I heard some rustling in the background. "So there's this party on saturday..."

I felt my stomach drop. I wasn't ready for a party so soon. I was never really interested. "Okay..." I said urging for him to continue. The fact that I hadn't said more than a couple of words to him for 3 years and now I was flirting with him on the phone as if we'd known each other for years was blowing my mind.

"So, I could pick you up and take you. I know you're not really a party girl, but it's the beginning of the year party so, it's going to be pretty legendary."

It was true. I had never been interested in parties. From what I heard in the halls it was usually a bunch of hooking up and drinking. I was never really interested in drunken hookups. But this year I was planning on living my best life.

"Sure, I was planning on making an appearance anyways." I lied again. This guy was already becoming a bad influence on me.

"Great! So I'll pick you up around nine-ish." He said sounding excited.

I laughed. "Okay, just give me a call..." It was silent for a while before he cleared his throat.

"Umm, I'll see you in class tomorrow then."

I nodded forgetting that he couldn't actually see me.

"Okay. Bye."

As soon as I was sure he wasn't on the phone still I squealed throwing my phone on the bed. I had a date with Ian Black.

All of a sudden my door was pushed open.

Aiden was on the other side of my door with his eyebrow lifted. "Are you dying?" He asked in annoyance.

"Did you knock?" I threw back rolling my eyes. As soon as I lost one friend I gained another. Aiden was a freshman barely starting at the high school.

"I wouldn't knock if you were dying darling." he replied inviting himself into my room. He had been talking like Austin Powers lately. I assumed it was something he was trying out to get as much freshman girls as he could gather. Not that he would need any help. I wasn't blind and I knew my brothers were both gorgeous. And though Kody was a looker, Aiden had a dangerous look and a sarcasm attitude that I knew girls were drawn to.

Plus unlike Kody he ignored me in school, so he didn't need to worry about me messing up his game.

"How was school?" I asked pushing his feet off of my bed.

"Eh." He said waving his hands from side to side. "Not as great as you made it out to be."

I smiled. "Well, you have four years for it to get better."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll probably finish in three, they don't actually challenge the mind there."

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that an insult?"

He shrugged grabbing my phone. "Oh, She has caught the eyes of her dream guy." He said in a teasing voice.

I quickly grabbed it looking at the screen. Ian had sent me a picture of himself.

For my contact pic

I smiled before I could help myself.

"You move quick big sis." Aiden said carelessly. "Then again, I guess I would have too. Kody really is stuck in his ways huh?"

I stared at him. "What?"

He shrugged again. "I'm just saying Kody is kinda crazy over protective."

I pursed my lips. "Kody is irrelevant now. Plus I'm pretty sure you have some freshman to go call so..."

He sent me a sneaky smile. "Not really much to look at."

I sighed. My brother was in a dilemma. "Still pining over the prom queen?"

That's what Kody and I liked to call her. Her name was Grace and she was just perfect. She had pale blonde hair and large green eyes that just made her look so innocent.

She and Aiden had been best friends since elementary and I was pretty sure he was in love with her. He always got a little testy when you mentioned it though.

"Screw you." He said his eyes darkening.

"I'm joking." I wasn't joking. "How did she like her first day of high school?" I asked trying to lift his bad mood.

"She didn't go."

I frowned. "So you rode the bus by yourself." Unlike Kody, Aiden didn't want anyone to know we were related. He refused to ride to or from school with me and instead opted to ride with Grace on the school bus.

He nodded. "Actually I only took the the bus home. Sin gave me a ride up. Stellar guy."

I widened my eyes."Sin Westbrooke?" I asked. Sin Westbrook was definitely not the type to offer a young freshman a ride out of the kindness of his heart.

"Yeah. Lives right next door. Said I could catch a ride with him whenever I needed. I told him you were an evil bitch who despised me by the way." He started to walk out of my room.

"Wait." It was all making sense to me now. Why Sin was glaring at me at lunch and why he was all of a sudden talking to me. He was trying to figure out if I was actually a bitch. "Are you going to ride with him tomorrow?" I asked.

Aiden shook his head. "Grace should be over her stage fright by tomorrow. I don't want her to take the bus by herself."

I frowned. If Aiden rode with me and Sin then the ride wouldn't be so awkward. "Are you sure."

He smiled walking out my door. "Yep."

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