Chapter Ten

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The kiss started off slow. He took me by surprise so I was frozen for about five seconds before I finally started to relax into it. Automatically my hands went to his hair, pulling him closer against me. His teeth scraped against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. He pulled away abruptly, running his fingers over his lips.

"Damn." He said breathlessly. " We definitely don't need to finish that in public. I chuckled squeezing his arm.

"You're supposed to be teaching me how to skate." I mumbled attempting not to blush. I'd always hated PDA, yet here I was having my brains kissed out in the middle of a public ice skating rink.

It was actually pretty romantic when you thought about it.

"I am teaching you." Ian explained. "I just want to make sure my mind can be focused when I'm doing it. Now that I'm no longer imagining what your lips taste like, we should be fine."

The man was smooth.


"Sergio Bivens."

Sin had a smirk on his face as he leaned back on his chair. It was monday and government was just as boring as it always was. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's that?" I asked.

He stared at me as if I had grown another head. "God. You don't even know his name?" He asked.

All of the amusement on his face was gone. I shrugged. "I honestly have no idea what you are talking about."

Sin glared at me. "So you just make it a habit of sharing rooms with random guys?"

I paled. The guy from the party. He had figured out his name. I ran a hand through my hair trying to play it cool. "Oh, Sergio. Wow, good job detective." I said sarcastically.

He narrowed his eyes. "What the hell is going on with you, legs?"

I rolled my eyes at the dumb nickname. "I'm living my best life." I said with a shrug.

He leaned over the desk so we were face to face. "That doesn't mean sleeping with random guys and getting drunk at house parties."

I brushed him off going back to my school work. Who knew Sin Westbrook could be so annoying.

"Legs..."He hissed, attempting to get my attention. "Legs..." He said louder when I didn't turn around.

I spun in my seat sending him a stern face. "Leave me alone Sin."

He clenched his teeth. "Meet me after school." He said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I scoffed. "I'm not going to meet you after school, Sin." I said, now doodling on the corner of my paper.

"Meet me after school Legs. It's important."

I stared at him as if he was insane. He was insane.

"Meet me after school and I'll leave you alone." He bargained, slowly connecting his earphones to his pone.

"fine." I mumbled under my breath. I didn't want anyone to know I was making a date with Sin Westbrook,


After school, I waited by Sin's car. I didn't feel like looking for him throughout the campus. This way, he would have to come to me. Which he did, ten minutes after the last bell rang.

"When you said 'meet me after school' I thought you would at least be on time" I complained when he finally walked up to me.

He shrugged pulling his keys out and unlocking the door. "I was looking for you."

I didn't believe him. "well, what did you want to talk about?" I asked with a small attitude.

He walked up to the driver's side of the car, resting his hand on the door handle. "Get in." He simply said before getting in himself.

I was dumb. It didn't occur to me that he was going to drive somewhere. I thought he wanted a quiet place to talk. So, like an idiot I got in the car and slammed the door. "You were saying?"

When he started the car my first jolt of panic set in. "What are you doing Sin? My car's here. I'm driving home."

He pulled out of his parking space with a loud turn of his wheels. "I'll take you back."

I grabbed his shoulder as he exited the school. "Where are you taking me?!" He was driving like a madman. I slapped his arm with all my strength when he didn't answer me. "Sin, where are you taking me?"

He spared me a glance. "Calm down. I've driven you before. Just sit back."

I sucked in my breath. "You're crazy." I said it low, as if I was talking to myself. He was. Sin was crazy. It had taken me a while to notice it, but now that I had, signs were jumping out at me. He was bi-polar and he had anger issues. He had inserted himself into my life and now that I thought about it he was sort of a stalker.

"You're crazy." I said louder leaning up in the seat. We had driven about ten minutes and we were now on the sketchy side of town. Sin parked his car in the lot of a cheap looking apartment complex. 

"Follow me." He said opening his door and walking to the stairs.

at the end of the day, I didn't feel like Sin would hurt me. So I opened my door and ran after him. "If you are thinking about selling my kidneys you should know that I drink three sodas a day. you won't get much for them.

Sin didn't even bother sparing me a glance. Instead he stopped at a door, and banged his fist on the screen.

The door was snatched open quickly, the person on the other side shouting out swears."Hold your fucking horses-" He stopped when he laid eyes on Sin. "Who the fuck are you?"

It was a good thing that he wasn't looking at me. Because he would have recognized me. Unless he had been too drunk at the party. But Sergio Bivens hadn't been that drunk.

Before I could clear my head on what was happening, Sin was swinging, his fist connecting with the side of Sergio's jaw sending him flying through the air and onto the ground with a hard thud. 

I screamed grabbing Sin's arm before he could swing again. "Are you insane?" I yelled not even contemplating what was happening.

He shook me off, as Sergio brought himself to his feet. "What the fuck is your problem-"

Sin swung again hitting him in the exact same spot. He turned to me when Sergio once again fell to the floor. "Remember this." he said, zipping his jacket down and tossing it to the side. "Because if you want to sleep around, you're going to be seeing a lot of it." he grabbed Sergio as he tried to tackle him and they both fell to the ground. Fists were flying and all I could hear was the sound of flesh against flesh. 

Sin was straddling Sergio sending punch after punch. Without thinking I jumped on his back wrapping my arms around his neck and sinking my nails into his skin.

"You're crazy!" I yelled as he simply rose with me still clinging to him.

He reached around and yanked me off of him with almost no effort. "Remember this." he said again before wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. He smirked when his hand came away bloody.

"Stay the hell away from me." I said turning on my heels. I was seeing the Sin that everybody spoke about. The Sin that everyone was afraid of. The Sin that I was afraid of. "I mean it sin. Stay the hell away from me." 

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