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Tamara Richards was the worst roommate ever. She was loud and rude, she didn't respect my privacy and she always victimized herself whenever I tried to have a discussion with her.

She was a party girl, a memeber of the cheer squad with an outgoing personality.

Worst of all she was a player. That's why I hated her at the moment. Because there was always countless guys at our dorm searching for her. It annoyed me.

"Gerald, I think she's at the Mall to be honest." I lied pretending to think about it. "She said she wanted to get some new tops for family weekend. Her dad wouldn't approve of anything she has right now."

It was close enough to the truth. She had said that. But I knew that more then likely she was underneath Brent Capers right now. Because he was a quarterback and the school superstar.

Gerald was good looking too though.

"So can I just wait?" He asked. He was sitting on her bed twiddling with a sculpture he had gotten off of her desk.

I shook my head. "Well I'm actually about to leave." I lied again. I had a lot of cleaning to do if my dad was going to show up tomorrow.

Gerald frowned. "Okay. Well can you tell Tamara to call me? I've been trying her line and-"

"Yeah, no sure. I'll tell her." That was the truth at least.

I could see why guys liked Tamara. She was absolutely beautiful. She was the daughter of some beauty queen and a CEO of a company so she was rich as well. She had long legs and a shapely body. Her eyes were a bright blue and her dark chocolate hair went past her waist.

She was still an asshole though.

"I'd really appreciate it Rory." Gerald said still not rising from the bed. "Tell her she can call any time. Doesn't matter if it's late."

I forced myself not to groan.

When I heard the knock at my door I frowned. It was either another one of Tamara's conquests or the succubus herself.

I didn't want to deal with either scenarios so I answered the door with a wary expression.

I froze on the spot when I saw Sin Westbrook standing on the other side of my door dressed in a police uniform. His dark hair had gotten longer and his skin seemed a bit tanner but otherwise he looked exactly how I'd left him two months ago.

"Legs." Was all he said, an uneven smile on his face.

I squealed, jumping on him immediately, my arms wrapping around his neck.

I didn't even question how he got here or what he was doing here, I simply fused my lips against his in a desperate kiss.

He brought his hand to the back of my head, pulling me closer against him before lifting me off of the ground and stepping into my dorm.

I couldn't believe that he was here.

We stayed in contact with each other -texting daily, but we were both super busy. Sin was in training to be a deputy and I was slowly but surely failing out of college.

I was beyond happy to see him. Still, he should have told me he was coming. I would have shaved and bought cute underwear and...

Definitely not had a random guy sitting on the bed.

I pulled away from Sin, reluctantly as I remembered Gerald.

He sat up in Tamara's bed an awkward but amused expression on his face.

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