Prolonged Ignominy

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It seemed as if Monika hadn't the slightest glimpse of what'd happened, she silently continued stacking her documents that she would be hanging around the school. She turned to face me, "Yuri's made it clear that you don't want to work with me, so you can spend some more time with her." she said, monotonously.

Yuri and I sat in our usual spot, back on the floor. She went back to the usual position she went in, kneading her head on my shoulder. "Do you think I'm weird, -kun? Actually, it doesn't even matter any more. You're the only thought on my mind these days, I can't even prudent about my own hygiene anymore." she laughed, nuzzling her nose to my neck.

Her grip on my arm was quite fervorous. The overall way she clung on to me just seemed unhealthy. I feared that Monika was telling the truth about the whole 'excitement' ordeal in regards to Yuri. I just couldn't stay away from her; what would happen if I ignored her?

¡She'd dIe!

She didn't even seem to have the passion to read anymore. If I recall, she claimed that she couldn't do it anymore, at least within my company. At this point, I'm certain that she's only been able to read anything I've written. It's sad we didn't get to finish the book before she turned into this... thing.

Monika and Sayori seemed to both be occupied with their decorations. I wonder if I should start doing something too, just so I don't have to be a part of any more disputes between the girls.

"Yuri," I begin, as I watch her reveal her head from beneath my neck. "Do you think we should do something to help Monika?"

"I don't care about her. I'll do anything with you, though." Yuri said in an apathetic voice, burying her face under my chin.

I noticed Yuri's hand creep up to mine, holding it from above. "We can work on a banner, or something. Maybe we can get together after school today.

Yuri looked at me psychotically. "That's perfect! I'd want nothing more..." she said, gripping my hand tighter. "Can I go to your house? I really want to see what it smells like, all I've wanted to do is surround myself with your aura lately. Is it bad that I feel like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as you?" she spoke, breathing heavily.

Nodding at her, I obligated. "Of course, do you want to just come over after school?" I asked her.

"I have to change..." Yuri replied.

"Ah, of course. So, we'll be going to your place, and then to mine?" I ask. Yuri nodded slowly, and fell back asleep on my shoulder.

Time passed by. Monika and Sayori had remained silent throughout the entire club period. Natsuki wasn't even reading her manga, she was simply playing on her phone. I felt as if I should bring up this odd behaviour to Monika.

I set Yuri's head down on my handbag, and decided to approach Monika to ask her what was going on. "I feel like I should be helping," I conferred. "What're you guys doing?"

Monika and Sayori stared at me with the same sentient, strange grimace they bestowed to me yesterday. "Oh, -kun, Yuri has made it clear that she doesn't want you spending time with me. I think it's best if you just watch her for now on, so she doesn't cut herself or anything stupid like that."

She continued to work on some sorr of colourful ribbon. "I told you that you were just enabling her."

Shaking my head in a disgruntled manner, I rose my voice, "I didn't do anything. She just seems unstable whenever I'm not present; I'm sorry." I replied sternly.

Monika smiled, "I'm not mad at you or anything, -kun... We're still as glad as ever to have you apart of the club."

To her right, Sayori was looking at me with a smile. "Don't worry, -kun, you're doing a good job at just being a talented writer. We know you don't really enjoy these kinds of events anyways..." she simpered, making me feel a little more enervated.

"Alright. Just tell me if you need me to help with anything," I assured Monika, letting her know that I wasn't becoming completely eschewed away from the group.

For the rest of the time I had, I simply let Yuri rest on me. She seemed ever so tired, yet clingy.

At the end of the day; sun coating the sky a dark shade of sherbert over the clouds like iodine; Monika had gathered us all together.

"Good job, everyone. I know for a fact that these promotions will certainly grant us the pleasure of welcoming a new member or two." she said, bobbing her head up and down enthusiastically.

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