12. "You are my wife, Rebecca."

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Damian's dad was an exceptional man. Apart from his career, he was a family man and loved his sons and wife. He had always been caring towards me and did his best to make me feel included, despite his wife's efforts to do the opposite.

He already had Walker's Pediatrics when I met Damian and knowing Damian, I knew he took great pride in taking over his father's clinic.

"So how do you like being boss?" I asked Damian as he parked outside the building.

"A little harder than I thought." He admitted as he turned off the car. "But I love my job. It is the one thing I know how to do right."

I nodded, looking away. He got out of the car and I watched as he walked around it and opened the door for me. He offered me his hand. I took it and he helped me out of the car. Once outside, he didn't let go of my hand. Instead, he intertwined his fingers through mine. It was so natural, as if he did that every day. I looked away so he wouldn't see my smile.

"Wow, it looks so different." I said as I looked up at the clinic. The building was a beige color, which was different. The last time I saw it was smaller and brown. Now, it looked bigger and I liked this color better. One top of the building facing the street, was the word Walker in white letters with Pediatrics next to it in colorful and curly letters.

"Yeah, we extended last year." Damian said as we walked.

"Well, it looks good."

There were trees and small bushes by the entrance, making it look friendlier and more appealing. I caught sight of Damian and I walking on the glass door. There we were, holding hands. We almost looked like a sane, happy, married couple. Damian's hand felt good against mine, I felt something warm inside of me at his touch. I didn't want him to let go.

He opened the door with his free hand and I walked in with him behind me. It was bright inside. There was a waiting room to the left where two little boys were playing with building blocks. Their mother, I guessed, was sitting down with a magazine in her hands. There was a front desk across the room and a young girl sat behind it, with a computer and papers one the desk.

"Welcome to Walker's-" she was smiling when she looked up and saw Damian. "Oh, good morning, Doctor Walker." She looked at me in curiosity, her blue eyes glancing at our hands.

"Hello, Wendy." Damian greeted. "Any messages?"

"Not right now, doctor." She smiled. "I'm sorry, is she your girlfriend?"

Damian glanced at me with a smile. "This is my wife, Rebecca."

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Oh." Wendy looked surprised. "I didn't know you were married."

"That's because I don't like to talk about my personal life with my employees." Damian said. He sounded polite but I knew there was a message behind it. Mind your own business...

"Right, sorry." Wendy turned red. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Walker."

"Same to you, Wendy." I said after a moment. I hadn't been called Mrs. Walker in such a long time. It was weird to hear it for the second time today.

"Well, I'll be in my office." Damian said then turned to the left and walked down a hallway. The sound of the boys' laughs diminished as we went into a door to the left.

His office was bright because of the sunlight coming in through the two big windows. The walls were white and there was a black desk with a lap top, one chair behind it and two on the other side of the desk. There was a bookcase to the right side with books and a black leather couch to the side. Damian let my hand go and went to sit behind the desk. He looked at me in wonder, his hands crossed on his chest.

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