14. "Rebecca's going to kill me."

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I was fifteen when my mom died. It was sudden. One day she was there and the next she wasn't.

I always felt a little guilty about Rebecca dropping everything to be with me despite the fact that she never made me feel like a burden. She was there for me.

I could never tell her this without crying but I was so grateful to her for taking care of me the way she did.

She didn't have to drop everything to be with me. She didn't have to stay in Nevada so I wouldn't have to move schools. She didn't have to work long hours so I wouldn't have to but she did.

I didn't know where I would be without my sister...which was why I felt guilty about going to NYU and leaving her. I worried about her being alone. It was the reason I had called Damian that day.

"Hello?" he had answered.

"Hi. This is Alexa, Rebecca's sister."

I spoke fast and almost out breath as I gave him the hotel's address and then hung up. I didn't know if he was going to show up. I didn't really know why Rebecca had left him, she didn't talk about it.

The thing was, I knew Rebecca wasn't happy in Nevada. She was almost like a robot going to work every day, asking how my day was when she got home, sitting in the living room and watching movies in her time off...

Even when she started dating Julian, I could tell she wasn't entirely happy. Her smiles weren't real. I didn't understand what had made her run away by I knew she still loved him. There wouldn't be pain in her eyes whenever I asked her about him if she didn't.

On Thursday, I could tell something was bothering her. Aaron had taken us shopping to the mall and she was just walking along without saying much.

I wondered if she had gotten in a fight with Damian.

Maybe I had been wrong. Maybe Damian couldn't make her happy either.

During lunch, Aaron and I exchanged looks.

Aaron was her best friend once, maybe he could do something to cheer her up but he seemed just as helpless.

I didn't remember Aaron being so attractive back when I met him in Rebecca's wedding. Probably because I was much younger and had crushes on boys in bands. Of course, he still was 6 years older than me. Maybe that's what made him attractive...no, I was pretty sure it was his short brown hair and clear brown eyes...his strong jaw...oh, and his six-pack definitely gave him points as well.

Eighteen wasn't that young for a twenty-four year old right? Maybe not for me but for him, yes. It didn't help that I was his best friend's little sister.

Why was I worrying about this anyway? I was starting college. I was moving to New York in a few months so it wasn't like I was going to start a relationship.

So I had a little crush on a twenty-four-year old. Pretty sure I wasn't the first one. Besides, it wasn't so bad as long as nothing happened right? At least he wasn't in his thirties.

"So where should we go next?" Aaron asked looking at Rebecca who looked up at him, as if remembering that she wasn't alone.

"I'm actually meeting Melissa. She saw your Instagram post and found out I'm in California, thanks by the way."

Aaron looked embarrassed. "Sorry about that."

"You should be," Rebecca joked with a half-smile. She looked at me. "I'm so sorry about leaving you alone again. I feel like I have you abandoned."

"I don't mind at all," I assured her. "I mean, you have a lot of catching up to do." I shrugged.

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, we're leaving Sunday morning. This feels like the longest week ever."

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