23. "Why did you leave him?"

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It was all a misunderstanding.

I was in shock to have seen Damian punch Julian and I didn't have time to react quickly. Julian, on the other hand, wasted no time. One second he was touching his jaw with his hand and the other he was punching Damian back.

What the hell was happening?

"Damian!" I gasped, my eyes were wide as my mind tried to process what had just happened. Julian had shoved Damian, Damian punched Julian in response and then Julian punched Damian back. It was like the scene of a movie. At the same time, it was like I was on a kindergarten playground.

Damian shook his head to the side and then took a step forward. Quickly, I jumped in between them placing my palm against Damian's strong chest. I had to stop this now when I could. Before it got even messier.

"Stop it!" I demanded looking up at him. Damian's lower lip was swollen from the left corner. He was angry and I had a feeling that all of that anger wasn't just directed at Julian.

"Why don't you wait for me inside?" I asked him, trying to beg with my eyes. I needed him away from Julian.

"Rebecca what-"

I turned to look at Julian. "Julian, please, don't say anything," I said to him then turned back to Damian. "Damian, please, wait inside for me."

Damian hesitated. He kept looking from me to Julian before he finally nodded once and he walked inside but not without shooting another glare at Julian who was glaring right back at him.

"Are you crazy?" Julian asked as soon as the front door closed. "Inviting him into your home?"

"Julian, Damian is not going to hurt me," I said turning to look at him. His lower lip had cut open and was also swollen. It was like they had mirrored their throw punches. I was angry at both of them for their actions but I knew they weren't entirely at fault. It was all a misunderstanding that I had caused.

He frowned. "You said you left him."

"I did but it wasn't because he hurt me. Damian never put a hand on me. He wouldn't."

There was a moment of silence as Julian tried to process what I said. "So what you were trying to tell me earlier..."

"Was that I am back together with him." I finished for him.

"Huh," he said as realization hit him. "I'm sorry..." he murmured as he sat on the porch stairs. After a moment, I sat next to him and we didn't say anything for a while. It was dark outside. The road was quiet except for a car that drove by. There was this thick space between Julian and I that felt like a cold wall.

"I want you to know that I didn't go to California to see him," I finally said. "I had no intention of seeing him, it just sort of happened. I owed him an explanation. I owed it to him-" I gulped down the knot in my throat. I didn't know why I felt like crying but I didn't want to. I deserved no sympathy from Julian.

"Why did you leave him?" Julian asked looking straight ahead.

"Many reasons. Stupid reasons." I sighed. "But it wasn't because I didn't love him. I was stupid. I thought I needed a new life to feel happy again. So that's what I did. I didn't think I would see Damian again." I admitted then smiled sadly. "Life had other plans."

"You love him?"

"I do," I said softly. "I'm so sorry, Julian, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was married."

"I guess I was hoping he was a douche." Julian chuckled sadly.

"Yeah that would make things easier." I joked. "But Damian is anything but. I don't deserve him, if anything."

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