Infected (Nightcore)

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( 2 weeks later)

'Ok,this day is starting off badly. F##k, why this, why now. I was so close to finding them.'

I pant hard from all the running from the walking corpses. I found a small building to hide in, I fall against the wall of the room I'm in on the top floor. I put my left hand on the wall, leaving a bloody hand print while my right hand is on the wound on my right leg.

I triped over my own foot and landed on the cold floor. I groaned and propped myself on to my elbows. Crawl to the wall and sit up against it, my right hand holding my wounded leg. I look at the blood still pouring out of the bite.

* 1 hour before.*

I landed on the ground and popped my wings back into their tattoo forms. I'm about 1 mile from the town that we were going to go to before we got separated. I walked the rest of the way so people won't see me flying.

'I need to hurry and find them before winter comes because if I don't find them now I'll die out in the snow and I don't have the right things to help me to survive the winter. I can tell that this winter is going to be brutal.'

I sighed as I continue walking through the forest I landed in. As I started seeing the end of the forest, I ran for 1 or 2 minutes and into the town. I stopped at a clothing store that was on the edge of the town and walked in. I look around to find a hoodie or something thicker for the up coming winter.

I only found a thick kermes colored hoodie and put it in the last space I had in my satchel. I crept back out, cars lay around the street not being used for who knows how long. I tiptoe around the cars carefully not get bit by a walking corpse under a car if there is one there.

I pull out the small hoary hand gun that I stole from the men at the large one level cottage that was in the middle of the forest. I carpet through the empty streets, waiting for something to happen but nothing did. I was getting anxious about not see any walking corpses around. Maybe their hiding, waiting for they're next meal to come to them or they moved on from the town to a different town for a meal but I doubt that because one or two a lest have to be left behind.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, I stupidly tripped over a minimum sized rock ( and how it got there,I don't know) and smacked my head against the concrete. Blurriness took away my vision and I roll on to my back ( I didn't know that I was next to a car because I wasn't watching where I was going). I lay there for who knows how long maybe it was a minute or 2.

Suddenly hands gripped my thigh, I jerked my head to see who it is. My face paled as I see the walking corpses opens it mouth. Time seems to slowdown as the walking corpses lean down. I grap my samll hoary hand gun but I was to late, my eyes widened at the pain. I point my gun at it's head and pulled the trigger.


I breath out heavily, as the walking corpses went lamp but still have its rotten teeth in my thigh. I site up and drop the gun at my side.

I gripped it's head and pulled. I screamed because it's jaws had tighten around a piece of meat in my thigh, as I pulled a little chunk of meat went with it leaving a bite sized hole in my thigh. I dropped it's head to the side, the pain was terrible, making my whole body shake (I had to keep my self from screaming again).

I started hearing groaning and shuffling feet. I look up from my wound to see that a hoard of walking corpses was now on the streets. They must heard the bang that come from my gun and me screaming at one point, I hurry to get to my feet. Gripping the gun and I lamped as fast as I can go, the walking corpses started following me.

I lamped into a alleyway, my right hand holding my right thigh. The walking corpses started to catch up with me.

'I'm going to regret this but it as to be done.'

I pushed my legs forward into a run, as I run I can feel my heart pound against my chest and my blood flowing through my body. I turn around too many corners to know were I'm going.

As I turned around another corner, I see a door. I pushed my legs to go faster, I slammed into the door and it give under my weight. I almost lost my balance but I steady myself, I shut the door and pushed the drawer that was next to it in front of it. I look around wildly to see that I'm alone, I grabbed the railing of the staircase and dragged myself up them.

After I got up the stairs, pushed against the first door I see. I look around the room, it looks like someone was living here but moved on. I stumbled to the desk that was in next to the window, i started looking through the drawers for something to help me for my wounded thigh but I found a letter. I slowly opened it try not to get blood on it.

Dear Colby
If you're reading this, it means that me and John move on to a different town and that you're somehow alive. I'm writing this letter in case that you're alive and you're looking for us. I want to tell you that we miss you badly and want you to come back to us. I'm having nightmares of you dieing in my arms and I almost have them every night. I miss you so much and I got things to tell you when you come back if you come back.

I got out of the chair, and into the hallway (putting the letter in a safe packet). I panting from all the running trying to get away from the walking corpses. I put one of my bloody hand on the wall to keep me steady. My legs grow weak and I triped over my own feet. I landed on the cold floor, I groaned and slowly sit up. I crawl over to the wall and sit against it.

'Ok,this day is starting off badly. F##k, why this, why now. I was so close to finding them. They were here and I missed them'

My right hand holding my wounded leg. I look at the blood still pouring out of the bite. My vision slowly turn into darkness. My mind and body shutdown.

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