This Is Not The End (Fieldwork)

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(Colbys pov )

The sunlight blinds my eyes behind my eyelids. I slowly opened them as bright colors flow in. I groaned as I left my head off my arm. I look down when I noticed a heavy force on my chest. I smiled a little when I see that it was Sam. I look around me as I see tall grass again I sigh but it was beautiful the way the sun shine over the little hills. A gentle breeze blow making the grass sway.

  When I look back to Sam, his eyes were looking at me. The corners of my eyes grow dark until I was in the darkness again. A bright glow shin before my closed eyes, I open my eyes aging to only see the ceiling of our room, I sighed in relief. 


I look over at Sam who was on the floor. I sit up in the bed.

"Yes, Sam"

He looked down at the floor and her started to shake, I got up and keel next to him.

"Sam? What wrong? "

When he looked up at me his eyes was full of tears.

"We.....we.....dont.....have have a....few cans left...."

I frowned at him and bring him into a hug.

'I know this was going to happen soon. I have to leave to find more and I really don't know how long I might be gone.'

I left go and grabbed his hands.

"I told you this was going to happen."

He huged me again.

"I dont....want go."

He said into my shoulder, I hug him tighter.

"I have too Sam and you can't stop me plus we have more mouths to feed."

I make him let go as I can get ready to go, he tryed to stop me.

"Sam stop."

I try to make him quite until I got fed-up with it.


I yelled at him, I really didn't want to yell at him but I had too. When I got done with packing, I turn to Sam. I grabbed him face and kissed him hoping this was not the last time I'll get to kiss him.

"I love you Sam. I really do but I have to go."

I let go of him and move to got my stuff. I walked it into the kitchen and grabbed two cans only and put them into my bag. I stoped when I got to the door.

(Sam's pov )

He stopped at the door and turned to me. He gives me a smile but I can see that he didn't want to go look in his eyes but I know he as too. He's the only one who can stand the snow and the cold. He opened the door and stepped put into the winter landscapes, I cryed as I slowly shut the door......

To be continued.

Apocalyptic Angle Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu