Chapter 5.1: Future is Murder - Jikko vs Yuno

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When you grow up as a girl, it is like there are faint chalk lines traced approximately three inches around your entire body at all times, drawn by society and often religion and family and particularly other women, who somehow feel invested in how you behave, as if your actions reflect directly on all womanhood.

M.E. Thomas, Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight

The first month of me being a zombie, I decided to travel around the world for a bit...... Okay I admit it I got lost and found myself onto a trip to Japan by cargo box. Nobody knew that I was inside it and if people did I would be in so much trouble by law enforcement that I would be arrested on the spot and then the general would have me in the palm of his hand. When I got to Japan, I was shocked at first that I came here and couldn't speak a word of Japanese. Even after I learned Japanese in a book while also using a English book to learn very quickly... I was still lost so I decided to call up a friend of mine, A-N the alien that I helped out of the area 52 base. He sent me a phone but minutes later after getting the phone I had a text come in.
"Hmmm? What's this a text message?"
The text was about some type of wish so I decided to send in what my wish will be. At first I thought it was going to be some type of challenge like a eating competition or just some lame prize that was fake...... Sadly I was sorely wrong, it didn't take long until when I try to walk down the street I could sense that somebody was following me.
When I turned around the first time nobody was there.......
"Man, I must be going paranoid right now.... When this is all over I'm seriously going to finish myself off as this is starting to get really really old."

*Out of the blue this girl with pink hair started trying to stab my phone or just try to stab me*

"Whoa whoa hold it hold it hold it!!! Time the fuck out right now! For god sakes I haven't even been here for an entire day and you are trying to kill me."

Yuno: I'm doing this for the one I love and no one is going to step in between that.

Jikko: look I'm going to spell this out for you slowly and gently the even a psycho bitch like you can understand; nobody wants to stick their dick in crazy and if he did (God forbid) he probably has something and that is called psychosis.

Yuno: how dare you disrespect my Yuki like that! I'm going to make you bleed for this!!!

Jikko: all right bring it bitch as I'm going to make you bleed so much that even your mom why I have trouble seeing you.

*And just like that I took out my guitar (Yes I got it from Japan) and turned on the guitar function when suddenly....... Some guys in white coats came out of a white van*

????: That's enough of this as we from Wattpad are putting a stop to your rambunctious attitude so we all decided to put your "story" as a PG-13 rating story. As of right now.

Jikko: what the f*** does that mean? Hey what just f****** happened? There it is again.

Wattpad Committee Member: like I said before "your story will now be a PG rated story that means no swearing, no cursing, no killing, no powers or regeneration factors, and especially no violent weapons."

*And just like that they snatched away all of my guitar and stabbed me with a needle that will notify all of my powers and abilities for 24 hours. They even took blood for me so they could have a sample of my powers and abilities.*

Dead instinctsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang