Chapter 9

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Dean stormed his way through the halls, barging through people carelessly as the anger rolled off him in waves. Behind him, Clint struggled to keep up with his friend. He caught his shoulder but was shrugged off.

"Dean, you're going to get expelled." He warned, the panic sending his voice up through the roof.

"I don't care," Dean snapped, struggling to get out of his grip.

"He died. He got his life ripped away from him. He felt so utterly alone and tormented that he thought that was the only way. While that asshat .." He stopped mid sentence, his lip quivering in an angry sadness. He turned suddenly from Clint's view.

"He gets to walk away, no consequences, no regrets."

"Dammit dean of course he regrets it,  he's probably dealing with some pretty harsh guilt right now."

Dean swung around violently, his eyes burning through his friend, who flinched back in shock.

"He laughed. When he saw the amount of pain he had caused, he thought someone else's suffering was hilarious. The guilt should be eating away at him but people who are capable of doing that in the first place don't think like other people." He spat.

Just then, Jaxon decided to make his appearance known, with a hearty laugh.

"He died huh? So, that has nothing to do with me. He's old enough to make his own decisions."

Dean's eyes burned with a dangerous rage as he continued towards him, but a hand pushed against his chest, holding him back.

I watched his dark red hair turn an auburn under the sunlight as he turned to Dean, an indifferent expression on his face.

"You're going to beat him up? And then what? That's not going to bring back your friend. You're going to have that hanging above your head with a suspension and he's just going to look slightly less sightly. It's pointless."

I watched Dean's shoulders fall in defeat before he turned to the guy who had stopped him. His anger had deflated to a deep set sadness.

"Laughing it off is a cowards way of coping. He just killed a kid, it has to affect him. It's his fault," an ominous look passed through his eyes as he regarded Jaxon.

"I mean, it is your fault. He killed himself because you drove him to it. He's never going to grow up because of you. His friends are always going ask what they could've done to prevent something that was the result of your actions."

Jaxon stood frozen in the middle of the hall as a crowd began to gather. The guy didn't stop his onslaught, if anything the crowd of people seemed to drive him further.

"But what really gets to me is why? I mean, something as trivial as school crushes and reputation would lead you to ruining someone's life, multiple peoples lives, it's not only the victim that suffers. What could of lead you to doing that? Hmm?"

Jaxon stilled, his eyes finding Dean's with a panicked look on his eyes.

The guy turned, the skylight slipping in through the high windows and lighting up his grey eyes. I recognized him then, wondering how I hadn't before.

Karma, the new guy who had transferred to our class. Looking at him, something unnerved me. There was a dark, almost manic look in his eyes. He grinned back at me and I repulsed back in shock.

Finally, it seemed like Jaxon has enough as he began to finally tear through the crowd in a desperate attempt to escape.

"Shut up. I didn't do anything." He cried as he fled the people who watched him leave in distaste.


The crowd began to dissipate after all the hype died down. I watched as Dean glanced down at Karma in shock. He cautiously nodded his head.

"Thanks I guess, I could've done something my really stupid there."

Karma shrugged, an easy look about him.

"What did you mean," came Angie's voice as she stepped into the circle, I hadn't noticed her there before.

"When you said that he's motive could've been something different."

Karma sighed, leaning against the wall, he stuck his hands in his jean pockets as his eyes flickered over the floor.

"He must of had a darker motive, I mean, it's not that it wasn't a shitty thing to do. But it was so calculated. If you think about it, he found them, took the picture, fought to upload it. He could've left it at that but after he discovered it didn't elicit the response he wanted, he went after him again? Pulled him into a dark room and beat him up? Then he admitted to doing that just so his parents would find out. That was his intention from the very start and he bloody well made sure it happened, seems like someone that driven and determined to torment someone would have to have a  darker motive." He shrugged again, in indifference.

"That's just my opinion though."

He turned away from the group and made his way down the empty hallway. But the seed had been planted as curious stares followed him down the hallway.

Dean stood still for a second before storming away, leaving Angie and I in silence, and Luka who was listening intently by her locker.

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