Chapter 15

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There's a small diner nestled into the very edge of our small town. It was the place to be when my father was young, but then they brought in fast food chains and people deserted this place. It looked old and rustic, and had a retro vibe to it. Maybe that's why I loved it so much, I loved things that were old.

They served malt milkshakes and we would always get them during Summer when he was alive. Today was the first time we'd been back since he died. The owner nodded his head towards us, an older man who was quiet and rarely bothered us.

"What can I get for you guys?" I looked up as the waitress offered us a warm smile, holding a small notebook in her hand.

She took our order and left, leaving the three of us in silence. Somberly I took out a notebook from my bag which was laying across my lap. It was covered in old badges that I had collected over the years, Lakeside shore lighthouse, my dads old football team, one from my grandmother who lived in London. There were tons of them. It rattled everytime I moved it.

"I wrote out a list in art, I'm not sure though."

Luka leaned over my shoulder to take a peek.

"Levi?" She asked hesitantly.

"I think they were friends, they were in music together. Seb told me they used to swap CDs and vinyls."

Luka blinked twice, in shock.

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense."

The others were a couple friends from the clubs he went to, Dean and Clint, us and Erik Lancoff."

"Eric? I haven't heard of him in years."

I smiled softly. "I know, weird, isn't it?"

Erik left our school after he received a scholarship to a very prestigious school up state. But when he did attend Hill-view high school, he was close to Sebastian. He was part of our little group, although it wasn't as close knit as it was now, but Sebastian and Erik were close friends.

"Have you contacted him yet?" Luka asked and I shook my head.

"How am I suppose to tell him?" I said timidly as I glanced at her. I was afraid, afraid to break the news to someone else, remembering the way it affected me, I couldn't do it, I couldn't be the one. Maybe I was a coward but I just couldn't.

"I'll do it." Angie said. "Maybe it's better to go see him, we know where he goes to school, he lives on campus. I think this sort of thing is something you have to tell someone in person."

Luka nodded in agreement and I stared at his name messily scrawled out in my handwriting.

"Yeah, Okay."


Saturday morning I was up early, as sunlight streamed in the open window. Birds chirped outside and I felt my mood was considerably better.

My mother opened the door, her hair up in a messy ponytail and an apron wrapped around her waist. The aroma of fresh bread followed her in.

She grinned at me, her eyes shining happily. "Luka is outside!" I nodded, grabbing my rug sack and went down to meet her. Angie was already in the car as I jumped in behind them.

The lumineers was playing softly in the background and I jumped along to the familiar tune. My mom stood at the doorway and offered us a wave as Luka drove off.

"Are you sure you can get us there?" Luka asked hesitantly as Angie had google maps out on her phone and was currently leading us to Erik's college.

"Yes of course I can. I am the queen of direction. My sense of direction is like no other."

"You have no sense of direction." I calmly stated and she whirled around in disbelief.

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