Chapter 22

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"So, he seriously just said 'wear something nice. And black.' and dropped you off?" Makenna flipped over onto her stomach on her bed, raising one of her perfectly plucked brows at me. I nodded with a huff and leaned back against the bedpost of my bed. Grey had left 15 minutes ago and told me he'd be back in 2 hours. Still nothing as to where we're going or where we're going. So, I had gone to Makenna. The only person I've ever met who can plan the perfect outfit for any occasion. She wanted to be a vet, but she should've been a fashion major. She excelled at it.

"You know me. Basically clueless when it comes to clothes. I don't know what he means by 'nice'. I hope he doesn't mean a dress. Does he?" I frowned and Makenna's lips pursed in amusement. She ran a hand coolly through her blonde locks as she sat up on her bed, swinging her legs over the side and hopping gracefully onto the floor.

"I still can't believe you agreed to this. I thought you hated Grey. Now here you are, going on your first date ever, with him. It's cute," she smirked, leading me down the hall back towards my dorm. Allison was still in class, so my dorm was vacant. Her bed was unmade, clothes were strewn across the floor, and a half-eaten bowl of cereal was on her nightstand. It was funny, the way her side of the room contrasted with mine. My bed was perfectly made, everything put away, nothing out of order. I didn't mind her being messy, though. I just liked keeping my side of the room pristine.

"It's so not a date," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"It so is," Makenna laughed, thumbing through the clothes in my closet.

"Grey is the last person on the face of the planet I would go on a date with," I replied, folding my arms and flinching as Makenna threw a little black dress at me.

"And yet here you are, going on a date with him," she took my leather jacket off of one of its hangers and handed it to me with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow, holding it up.

"I thought he said 'nice'?" I asked. Not saying my leather jacket wasn't nice- I'd wear it every day if I could- but in my mind, nice meant, I don't know, business casual.

"To Grey, this is 'nice'. Now shut up and put it on, I have to go heat up the straightener and pull out my makeup stuff," Makenna grinned, stopping in the doorway. "Oh, and you can borrow my stilettos, nugget," she winked and I let out an audible groan of frustration.


She was going to make me wear heels?

I shouldn't have gone to Makenna for help. I shouldn't have agreed to have this day with Grey at all. It was supposed to convince me to forget my feelings for him, but it'd done the opposite, and backfired, sort of. Who knew angels weren't allowed to fall in love?

I guess it wasn't really fair for me to be upset about that. I didn't know what I wanted with Grey. I didn't know the extent of the feelings I had for Grey. I just knew I wanted him to keep looking at me like he had today.

Just because an angel can't fall for someone doesn't mean an angel can't care for them, right?

Plus- he was a Fallen. He did have a reputation for disregarding the rules.

But did I really want to risk that? Did I really want to risk getting my heart broken when, chances are, he was still toying with me? Maybe that's why he fell in the first place. Maybe he loved toying with girls like me- big eyes and broken souls.

It was then that I realized what I needed to do tonight. I needed to see if there truly was something between us. I needed to protect my heart while doing it, sure. But I needed to know. I couldn't continue falling for him if I was going to end up broken-hearted and in Hell.

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