Chapter 24

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"Grey told me you went on a bender last night," Riel raised an eyebrow slowly as he leaned against the kitchen countertop. I was eating breakfast, just some peanut butter toast I had made, and the crunches of my eating were the only sounds that filled that silence.

"Did he now?" I mumbled, averting my eyes from Riel's judgmental glare. I hadn't thought that Grey would've told Riel about yesterday, but I should've. Of course, he wanted to gloat about getting what he thought was the upper hand.

"You're lucky he was there to help you. Your friends might not have understood if some demon approached you when you were intoxicated and tried to take advantage of that," Riel sighed. Wait. What?

"What exactly did Grey tell you?" I asked, looking up at Riel now. He frowned slightly in confusion as if he wasn't sure what I meant.

"You went out partying with your friends, and he followed you to make sure you were okay. You had a bit too many drinks, and there were demons in the club, so Grey took you home," Riel explained and I let out a sigh of relief. Why wouldn't Grey gloat about spending the day with me, getting me to learn more about what it meant to pledge my soul to Hell? He had something to rub in Riel's face- why didn't he use it?

"Ah, yeah that's right," I mumbled, returning my focus to my toast. I still hadn't seen Grey this morning. It was a weekend, so we didn't have class, and it was nearly 11:00. I had slept in quite a bit and was a little surprised that Grey didn't wake me up to do more training. Since our run, I felt stronger, more capable, and I knew I owed that to Grey. I didn't want him to stop training me just because he regretted what happened between us last night. While I didn't regret it (yet), it was quite obvious that he did, seeing as he has been avoiding me all day. I lived in his house. I should've seen him at least once by now. But I wasn't about to ask Riel where he was. I didn't want Riel to know. There was a small part of me that wondered if Riel had feelings for me. The way his gaze would linger a few more seconds than normal, his cautious care for my wellbeing and happiness- but of course that could just be who Riel was.

My point is- I didn't want Riel to think less of me for having feelings for Grey. I couldn't help it. And believe me, I tried to stop them from forming in the first place. But just because I had them, doesn't mean I couldn't ignore them.

I had changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie this morning, partially because I didn't want Riel to think I had slept with Grey and this was my walk of shame, but also because I hated dresses. And I was kind of hoping that Grey might've still had training planned for us today. But that didn't seem to be the case. I'd been up for a while now and was postponing breakfast until after we trained so I didn't vomit- but after a few hours of nothing, I'd given up and succumbed to hunger.

"Morning everyone," my head shot up when I heard his voice, low and raspy like he had just woken up. I knew he hadn't. I went to his room to see if he was there, accidentally sleeping through training. He was gone when I'd gotten there. My eyes locked with his, a slow smirk forming on his lips as he walked over to the coffee pot and poured two cups of coffee. He poured some cream in one and set it down in front of me, before taking a sip of his black coffee.

"You're in a good mood," Riel frowned in suspicion and Grey shrugged, his eyes glued to mine as he took another swig of his coffee.

"Are we training today?" I asked, licking a bit of peanut butter off of my thumb. Grey watched the movement, taking another drink of his coffee.

"Do you want to?" Grey raised an eyebrow slightly. I nodded and hopped off of the stool I had been sitting on.

"I'll meet you downstairs in 10," I replied coolly, flashing Riel a friendly smile as I headed back up to my room to change into a sports bra. I could keep the leggings on, but I knew wearing a sweatshirt while training with Grey was suicide. I put on a black sports bra and laced up my tennis shoes, then pulling my hair back into a tight ponytail and hurrying back downstairs. Grey was waiting for me in the basement. Lately, Grey had been training me down here. He had a punching bag, some floor mats, and some free weights- all making it the perfect place to train to fight.

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