Chapter 26

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I smiled at Riel. Even in the artificial light, you could tell he was supernatural. The light bent around him in such a way- he looked like he was glowing. In addition to the fact that his hair was practically white- he looked like the textbook definition of an Angel. He looked like something that belonged in a painting on one of the ceilings painted in the Renaissance Era.

"I suppose that's alright," I breathed out, but my chest still felt tight as if I hadn't exhaled at all.

"Alright sweetheart- 'ey, you! Get out. You're not family," a lady, who I assumed was my nurse, waddled over to Riel and gripped his arm, pulling him out of his chair. I suppressed a giggle as Riel winked at me before being dragged out of the room and practically thrown into the hallway. The nurse slammed the door shut behind her with an agitated huff, narrowed her mahogany brown eyes at me, and waddled over to my bedside.

"You wanna tell me why there's no family sitting in this room?" She raised an over-plucked brow suspiciously.

"I don't want them to worry. They've got enough on their mind. I'm not a minor anymore, I can take care of myself," I explained.

"Mmhmm, and that's why I saw two beautiful young men leavin' this room? 'Cause you can 'take care of yourself'?" She asked and I fought against the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Believe me, it's the other way around. They're both trainwrecks," I attested. The lady scowled at me, then grabbing the clipboard she had been holding in her armpit, handing it to me as well as a ballpoint pen.

"Since you're all Miss Independent right now, here's your discharge papers. You're clear to go. Doc says you're to pick up pain meds at your pharmacy, take 'em once every 6 hours. Drink plenty of fluids. Get lots of rest. Avoid technology. You can also pick up the doctor's note for classes and everything if you wanna at the pharmacy," the nurse explained. I thanked her and began to fill out my discharge papers.

It took longer than I thought.

By the time I had finished, it was getting dark out, and I only then realized I had no mode of transportation to get back to Grey's house.


I wondered what he would say if he found out I agreed to see Riel as well. Maybe he wouldn't care. My chest ached with that prospect, regardless of how I fought to ignore it.

When I exited the hospital, my eyes immediately landed on Riel. He smiled when he saw me walk through the revolving doors, leaning up against a white Audi.

"I didn't know you drove," I smirked, walking up to him with a skip in my step.

"What? Did you think I flew everywhere?" He chuckled, opening the passenger door for me and holding out a hand to help me inside. So gentlemanly.

"You're an Angel. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility," I rolled my eyes and he laughed, walking over to the driver's side and climbing in.

"It gets tiring after a while. Like running. You can only do it for so long before you want to sit down," he flashed me a dazzling smile as he pulled out and onto the street. He was a much different driver than Grey. Grey was all about speed and efficiency- getting where you needed to go, as fast as you can get there, and to hell with the consequences. Riel followed all the laws, stopped at every stop sign, and get this- he even followed the speed limit. I didn't realize how nice it was to drive with someone like Riel until I drove with someone like Grey.

"So what did the nurse say?" He smiled at me out of the corner of his eye.

"She gave me my discharge papers and relayed to me what the doctor said. Your basic concussion treatment. Pain meds, rest, no technology," I explained. Riel nodded in understanding and reached forward, pressing a button. Warm air blasted from the vents and Riel glanced at me.

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