Chapter 18- Gorilla Warfare

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MacKenzie's POV

I'm leaning against the desk as I watch Barry spin in a circle in the wheelchair and look at his suit in the cortex. Then, I turn my head over my shoulder to see Cisco come in holding his cheek.

"Did Caitlin come through here?" Cisco asks.

"No." Barry says, turning towards Cisco.

"She just hit me in the face and ran away." Cisco says.

"Yo! Grodd!" Joe yells, running into the cortex.

"What?" I ask.

"Grodd's back." Joe exclaims.

"Caitlin. That must be why she was acting like that. She was being mind-controlled." Cisco says.

After seeing Caitlin walk and Grodd walk behind her, we all get up and run outside, Barry suing his cane. We didn't see Caitlin anywhere.


"I'm continually amazed by the similarity between our two worlds." Harry says.

"You got talking gorillas on your Earth, too?" Joe asks.

"Oh, yeah." Harry says.

"Remind me never to go there." Joe says.

"Ramon, why would this Grodd abduct Dr. Snow?" Harry asks, standing over Cisco at the computer.

"I don't know." Cisco says. "It doesn't make any sense."

"Ray, any ideas?" Harry asks, turning around and looking at me and I shrug in reply.

"She was always so nice to him." Cisco adds.

"He mind-controlled two lab technicians to steal chemicals that enhance intelligence. He wants her for something." Joe says.

:Well, looks like he left his bachelor pad in the sewers." Cisco says.

"Grodd's a big-ass gorilla. He can't just waltz through downtown in the middle of the day without anybody noticing." Joe says.

"Right, and if there's been sightings, then we might be able to approximate his location." Harry says.

"I can call CCPD. They can access the tip hotline, send over files of Grodd's recent attacks." Joe says and Cisco stands up.

"Good." Harry says.

"We gotta get her back."Cisco says.

"We will." Harry says.

Cisco walks over to me and grabs my hand before leaving the cortex with me behind him.


"So how did Grodd become sentient?" Harry asks Cisco and I as we work in our work room. Well, not really work. I'm sitting on top of a table rewiring circuits and such, but I'm still listening to the conversation.

"A few years ago, S.T.A.R. Labs had this contract with the military to research and awaken latent mind-reading capabilities for interrogation purposes." Cisco says.

"And I'm guessing Grodd is one of the test subjects?" Harry suggests.

"Right, but then Dr. Wells shut down the program, and we all thought it was to save Grodd from all the crazy mind-control experiments, but it was really so that Dr. Wells could use the accelerator explosion to create a 1,500-pound mind-controlling gorilla that he could manipulate." Cisco explains and Harry types on the computer. "What kind of algorithm is that?"

"It's an algorithm meant to extrapolate Grodd's location from places we know he's already been." Harry says. "Hello." He says, standing up.

"There we have it." Cisco says, looking at the highlighted spot on the computer.

Rocky Raymond //Book Two//COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें