Get out!

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After talking to Belle I decided to get some sleep. I had a long day but don't get me wrong , I had fun with Christian and Cole. Today was Sunday which meant I get to be lazy!

I got out of bed and walked towards my bathroom.

" I will be back my love."

I went inside and looked at my reflection, gosh I look horrible. I mean my hair looks like a birds nest and my mascara that I put on yesterday was making my eyelashes clumpy.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face , I went to grab my hairbrush so I can brush my nest out. After I brushed it out I put it in a ponytail and began walking downstairs to get something to eat.

I smelled bacon, eggs, pancakes, and cinnamon rolls! Who loved me this much to make me heaven.

Of course it was my angel, my Mom.

" Hey mom , I love you so much."

She chuckled, " I know and since your the first one down you get the first plate."

I went towards the cabinet to grabbed a plate. I gave it to her and took a seat.

" What are you going to do today?"

I shrugged, " laying in my bed , eating and binge watching Teen Wolf, you?"

She gave me my plate, " Well your dad, Nick and I are going to run some errands to get him set for college, can you believe my little baby is going to college?"

She started to cry like tears coming down her face, I quickly got up.

" Hey mom, he's will only be a few hours away , he won't forget about us."

She sniffled , " I know but he will be an adult well he is already an adult but living on his own, I don't think I'm ready."

I chuckled , " your not ready , well let's make sure Nick is ready."

" yea your right , thank you Lily."

I nodded and sat back down and she looked out the window.

" Hey mom, are you okay?"

She shook her head , what is wrong now?

" My sweet pea , you will be gone next year, why are my babies leaving me?"

What the heck, why is she thinking about this now?

" Mom I don't leave till next year , one step at a time okay."

" okay."

Lord help me


After eating that delicious meal and calming my mom down , I decided to call Mia and Will. We haven't hung out since I don't know when and I still want to know about Will.

As soon as she said hello I shouted," MIAAAA"

" Helloooo!"

" What are you doing today?"

" Nothing really."

" WRONG! You and Will are coming over."

" I will but did you call Will?"

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