Enlighten me

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" Kiss me."

" What?"

He didn't really want me to kiss him did he? I mean I really want too but I have to stick to my word.


But one kiss won't hurt.

Shut up brain!

" I want you to kiss me. No I need you to kiss me."

He still had me against the wall and I think his face was getting closer.

" Slow."

He scoffed, " We been going slow this whole time, I sure as hell did. Do you know how long I wanted to feel those beautiful lips against mines again?"

I shook my head, " Slow. You want a hug?"

That made him more pissed.

" Your going to get it princess." And with that he kissed the living hell out of me. I know we already kissed but I swear this one is so much better.

I kissed him back and he pulled us back from the wall.

" What... are you... doing?"

He bit my bottom lip, " My bed."

I felt stupid, we weren't going to stay on the wall the whole time.

" You feel so good princess."

He laid me on the bed and start sucking on my neck.  I'm going to have a 100 hickeys by tomorrow.

" Mhmm."

" Hey bro, have you seen Li-."

I hopped off the bed and ran to the closet.

" Fucking knock dumbass."

Christian sighed, " No making babies in my house please."

I heard the door shut and I walked out.

" Gosh that was embarrassing."

Hunter groaned, " Sorry about that but."

" But?"

He smirked, " He didn't see what was mines and nobody ever will."

He pointed to my neck and I went to the mirror and saw 3 big marks on my neck.

" Hunter!"

He laughed, " What?"

" Look at my neck! And you want me to go out there?"

" Don't you have makeup or something."

I groaned, " I didn't bring any because I wasn't planning on getting marked up."

He could tell I was pretty uncomfortable about this and he sighed.

" Wait here, I will be back in five minutes."

" Where are you going?"

" To get you some of whatever you need at the store."

I laughed, " You don't even know what's it called."

He nodded, " Well please enlighten me."

" Concealer."

" Right, I will be back."

He didn't have to do this and that just made me fall for him even more. Wow we are a thing?!

Possessive Much ?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin