Thank the Will

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" How's my favorite flower?"

My best friend is here bitches! Well one out of two.

I was meeting up with Will to discuss prom which is coming up in a couple of months. Will wants to do things early because he needs to dress to impress. We are at Starbucks because I was craving coffee.

While I was waiting for him I was talking to Hunter. But told him I will talk to him later because Will is here.

" Doing Good."

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee, " Where's Mia?"

" Babysitting."

He nodded, " I would go help her but I don't want to deal with kids right now."

I chuckled, " Same."

" So getting into business, what are you and Hunter wearing to prom?"

I shrugged, " Well he really hasn't asked me and I mean we are a couple so he doesn't but I don't think he wants to go."

Will gasped, " What do you mean? He hasn't asked you?"

Yes, Hunter hasn't asked me but I'm guessing it's because he assumes that he doesn't have to since we are a couple but I mean it would be nice.

" No he hasn't, it's no big deal."

I'm lying. Can you tell?

" No big deal?! Does he even know prom is approaching?"

I laughed, " It's all over the school."

Will shook his head, " I'm going to talk to him."

" Will no! Really it's fine. It's more fun staying in watching movies and cuddling."

" No. As your best friend I'm not letting you stay in. I'm going to tell Mia too."

" I will talk to him."

I decided to say that instead of trying to say I would rather stay home.


Hunters POV



She didn't exactly hang up the phone when she told me that she would talk to me later and I wanted to be a nosey boyfriend which is a good thing because I forgot about prom.

I feel like an ass. I love that she was defending me and saying that movies would be better but fuck no. As much I hate dances, we are going.

I was going to make this prom proposal the best one yet. I have two months to think before prom comes around and thank the Will that he was talking to her about it.

I hung up the phone before she noticed that I was listening the whole time.

All I know is that I need to do something big for my girl.


Lily's POV

" Hey Belle."

Belle was sitting in the backyard by the pool.

" Hey."

" Wanna hop in?"

She chuckled, " Hell no. This pool hasn't been clean in ages."

She had a point. Usually the pool man comes but he hasn't shown up.

" Why are you sitting out here?"

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