Chapter Fifteen: The Question

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Chapter Fifteen: The Question


A lot of people surround the field where the reunion is held, and one thing I noticed is that there isn't one drip of alcohol at this family gathering, which has made me feel better.

After talking to Abby before Grace got out of the shower, she agreed to drag Grace away from me once she warmed up to everyone.

It took her a whole hour to let go of my hand and Abby came over to drag Grace to see her Aunt Vickie, so I took the opportunity to search for Grace's grandfather.

I haven't seen him since I was a child, but I spot him with his white hair, standing beside Grace's Grandmother. I turn back towards where Grace was last standing and see her in the same spot, laughing at something her Aunt is saying.

Deeming now the right time, I gently weave my way through the Levinsky bloodline until I reach Grace's grandparents.

"Daniel Grey!" Grandpa Matthew exclaims. I smile.

"Hey." I shake his hand, and then I accept Grandma Elizabeth's hug.

"How are you doing? Last time I saw you, you were just a little kid!" Grandpa Matthew asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. How are you guys?"

"We're good, you know? Traveling." He replies.

"Oh really? Where have you gone?" I ask.

"Um, Aruba. England. Ireland. Mexico. We're traveling the states next."

"Oh, Grace and I did that about two years ago." I admit.

"Yeah, I heard about that." He smiles. "You're taking care of my granddaughter, I hope?"

"Of course. Always have, always will." I smile.

Grandma Elizabeth lowers her voice slightly.

"How is she?" She asks. "Especially after the new baby..." she trails off.

"She's as good as she can excepted. I think she's accepted that this is just how it is now. She's happy."

"I'm glad she's happy." She says.

"You don't have to worry about them showing up." Grandpa Matthew says. "After a fight about it with Scott and Eileen, we disowned them."

My eyebrows raise.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

"I'm just ashamed that he turned into this. It's is not how he was raised, and he wasn't always like that. Well, you know that of course. You kind of watched all of this happen to Gracelyn."

"Yeah, I was there in person for some of it." I clear my throat. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys...about Grace."

"Sure bud, what is it?" Grandpa Matthew asks.

"I was raised a gentlemen. I open doors for her, walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, defend her..." I clear my throat. "And being raised that way, I was told to ask for the things that you want if they don't belong to you." I can feel my heartbeat in my throat. "And I would ask Grace's Dad but obviously that's completely out of the I wanted to know if I can have Grace's hand in marriage."

Grandma Elizabeth puts her hand over her mouth and looks at Scott, who raises his eyebrows.

"Really?" He asks.

We've been dating for seven years and I've been in love with her since I was ten. I'm ready for the next chapter." I glance over my shoulder at where my beautiful girlfriend is smiling at her Aunt. "And I think that she is, too. I promise I'll never hurt her...or our future kids. I love her more than anything in the world and I would like you to give me her hand in marriage."

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