Chapter Twenty Seven: Wedding Day

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I've decided there will be one more chapter after this one to tie things up


Chapter Twenty Seven: Wedding Day

I hear insistent knocking on the bathroom door.

"Grace! Are you okay?" Abby asks.

"Fine." I grumble, my cheek resting on the toilet seat.

I know I'm not sick, but the nerves are making me throw up.

I hear the doorknob jiggle.

"Unlock the door." She says. I reach over and turn the handle until the lock clicks and she pushes the door open. Miley, Megan, and Abby come in.

"Are you sick?" Megan asks.

"I'm fucking nervous." I mutter.

"Alright, well throw up in the shower, alright?" Miley laughs nervously. "Remember my wedding morning? I was petrified. I threw up twice. Do you remember what calmed me down?"

"Yeah." I mutter.

"So why don't you do that?"

I was Miley's bridesmaid and Danny was Kyle's best man.

"When Miley was this nervous, she called Kyle."

"What if he's busy?"

"He's marrying you in a few hours. He can make time to talk."

Megan shoves me phone towards me.

I pick my head up and flush the toilet, dialing Danny's number.

It rings a couple of times and then stops.

"Hello?" He asks. I hear laughter in the background.

"Hey." I mumble.

I hear him gasp and then  something that sounds like wind and then a door slams

"Hi baby! How are you?"

"Um...I've been throwing up."

"What? Why? Are you sick? I'll send somebody with medicine. Do you need medicine? What if you go to that walk in clinic this morning? Real quick just get some antibiotics?"

"I'm not sick."

"Oh. Good god, are you pregnant?"

"How would I be pregnant?"

"Right, right. So you're nervous then?"


"Well if you want, we can meet at that subway by where we're getting married." He says. "And then we can just run away to Aruba. We can elope."

"That actually sounds wonderful."

He pauses. "Do you want to do that? Because I'm definitely down for it."

"No, we can't do that." I laugh a little.

"Listen," he says. "How long is the average wedding ceremony? Twenty minutes? All you have to do is walk down the aisle to me. I'll be there the whole time. In the next...four hours, you'll be Mrs. Daniel Grey, and then you and I are going to our hotel and we're going to have sex, and then we're going to Aruba. It's only twenty minutes."

"Yeah, that's true."

"If you want to run off, give me a call."


"Now I don't know about you baby, but I need to take a shower. Are you okay now?"

I honestly feel so much better, so I nod. "Yeah."

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