Chapter 27- Grand Slam

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Two days have passed since Halloween and I still feel the burning of betrayal in my heart. I've avoided the household, unsure how to maneuver myself through the hurt. It's difficult to understand why I feel so wounded. Part of me understands why they kept the information from me. If I had been in their shoes, I may have done the same thing. However, my outraged heart overrules my logical brain in this matter. 

The guys still shadow me as I explore the property and spend time down by the river. Appreciating that they have not interrupted my solitude of solace, I sit on my bed and study the dream catcher I have hung from the iron headboard. With Doc's words about life playing again in my mind, "We have the power to create and rebuild it as we deem fit," I decide to confront Jack and pursue something that I had decided a week ago.

Finding Jack in his upstairs office, I gingerly knock on his door.

"Come in," he calls out in his rough, baritone voice.

Taking a deep breath, I walk in before I lose my nerve. "Jack, do you have a minute?"

Surprise flits past his face as he takes in my presence. "Sure, sweetheart. Come, sit down," he gestures towards a chair across from his oversized, oak desk. This is my first time in Jack's office and it is everything I expected. Three of the walls are a deep, denim blue. The exterior wall is log and dominated by an oversized window that provides a view of the lake. Sunlight spills into the masculine room that smells of wood and leather, providing an extra layer of warmth and comfort.

Settling into the leather armchair, I push my shoulders back and confidently say, "I want to get a job."

As he opens his mouth to interject, I continue, "I know that I lack a degree, so my choices are limited. But, I am smart and a fast learner. I have worked with my hands my entire life and I am a hard worker."

Jack sits back in his chair and rests his chin on his hand. He stares at me for a moment before standing and walking towards the window. Turning to face me, I can see anguish furrowing his brows. "Everly, is this because we kept information from you? Are you wanting to leave? Because you have to understand why we didn't tell you. It wasn't because we think little of you. It was because we genuinely wanted to protect you. You don't have to leave this place."

Confused by his train of thought, I quickly stand and walk over to him, "Jack, I don't want to leave. This isn't even about the secret. I understand why you guys did it, I do. It still irks me, but I understand. My wanting a job isn't about anyone but me. I want to make my own money. I want to buy my own car. I want to have some independence. I don't want to leave this place. This is...home."  Taking a deep breath, I continue, "I'm tired of giving Hank power over me."

Studying my face for a minute before responding, Jack says, "Fair enough. Do you have a job in mind? We have the construction company that could always use extra help in the office or I bet you could waitress at Charlie's."

Shaking my head, I say, "I haven't thought that far ahead yet. There's something I need to do before I start applying for jobs. Which leads me to the second reason I knocked on your door. Could you drive me to town?"

A half-hour later, we are sitting in front of 479 Customs, Trent's auto shop in town. Staring at the giant, graffiti logo on the side of the large workspace, I try to draw from the courage I had earlier.

"You know," Jack says, "the stuff Trent said the other night, he wasn't directing all that towards you. He's been through a lot and I think that the whole night dredged up some of those old memories."

Looking at Jack, I respond, "I figured as much. Before you all came in, that Mel guy said some things. He was egging Trent on by using memories to taunt him." Looking back at the garage, I assert, "No one deserves to be tormented by the demons of their past," I say as I exit the truck.

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