Chapter 33- She Has Awoken

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This chapter is dedicated to CharlotteCanyon  Your support and comments have encouraged me to keep writing. xoxo


"I told you we were gonna be friends," Bel says as she places her hands on her full hips. Her sassy attitude draws a smile from my lips.

I take in my four friends whom I've felt a connection with upon meeting. Thea, Bel, Caylin, and Serenity.

"Eek!" Thea jumps up and down and hops into my arms, squeezing me tightly. "I am so excited! We wanted to tell you right away, but Doc forced us not to."

Doc shakes his head in response, "You know that's not how this all works."

Bel waves her hand, "We know. 'The elemental must be awoken when The Creator calls upon her' blah blah blah," she imitates Doc's low voice. "You aren't mad at us, right?" She asks.

"I am too overwhelmed right now to feel anything other than surprise," I shrug my shoulders. "So, which elements are you?" I ask.

Doc steps forward, "See if you can figure that out. Use your senses and your elemental connections to reveal the element."

"He does that a lot," Bel says in a staged whisper. "Has to be all Yoda with his teaching style, 'Try not! Do or do not. There is no try.'" She teases.

Doc smiles at her and responds, "'Judging me are you, hmm?'"

Caylin laughs out loud and shrugs, "Trust me, you get used to it."

I step in front of Thea. Her white cotton bohemian dress flows around her feet. Flowers are tucked in her short, wavy hair and her honey-colored eyes glow like a summer sunrise. She smells like warm fresh soil and a bouquet of exotic flowers. "Earth," I state.

She smiles and curtsies, "At your service," she says as she twirls her hand above the ground and a sunflower shoots up.

As everyone laughs, I continue down the line and stand before Bel. Her white gown has delicate, grey swirls imbedded in the fabric's print. Her long hair falls in gentle curls down her back and over her shoulders. I feel a whisper of wind tickle my skin as I stare into her sky-blue eyes. She smells like the mountains: fresh, clean, and pure. "Air," I murmur.

Bel smiles and cheekily replies, "Easy, breezy, beautiful. That's me." In a flash, her body folds upon itself and where Bel once stood is an owl. My jaw goes slack as I take in her snow white feathers and the same sky-blue eyes. Gasping in disbelief, I watch as Bel takes flight. She soars above the trees and over the waterfall. When she returns, her body magically springs forth and she is standing in the spot she had left. Running her fingers over her hair to smooth it back in place, she smiles at me. "I know. I'm awesome."

"Show off," Caylin coughs. "We're supposed to show our elemental powers, not your shifting ability," she chastises. Bel just shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

I am speechless.

Looking back at Thea, she takes in my questioning stare and is quick to respond, "No," she shakes her head. "There is no owl here. Different moms, remember? Bel's mom is an avian shifter and Bel inherited that trait. My mom was ... my mom was fae." Her face falls when she mentions her mother.

Bel, as if sensing her sister's discomfort continues, "Our father, on the other hand, is a mage."

"Mage? Like a witch or warlock?" I question.

"Yep," Bel replies. "Thea and I also inherited traits from him. I am an empath. I can sense the emotions of others and alter them, while Thea here is a healer. An amazing one at that," she grabs Thea's hand and instantly, the shadow of grief evaporates and Thea is back to her bubbly self.

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