Chapter 6

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Days passed and it was now Friday, Zade and the rest of his group watched me carefully. I learnt a lot about them over the couple of days as they tried getting my attention.

Zade was for sure the leader of the group; his eyes were grey and appeared lighter in the light. I found his eyes to be gorgeous and different from the ones I've seen. He was a head and a half taller than me, and taller than his friends. His hair was a deep black. His jaw was firm, squared. His muscles under his designer t-shirt were prominent, though I never let him see that I checked him out quite often, Silas caught me once before but he only laughed it off, teasing me.

It was easy to tell who was Zade's right hand. Blaine was quiet and very serious, no serious then Zade though, I watched Blaine at least chuckle a little at his friends' antics. He had dark colored eyes and dark locks to match. He was slim and tall but looked like he could handle his own if he had to. I watched Blaine and Zade interact seriously a couple of times, I was under the impression Silas would have been Zade's right hand but it was easy to tell Blaine was, since he and Zade stuck together like glue.

Silas was easy going and laughed a lot, his laugh was contagious but I always suppressed my laugh, sometimes I'd smirk down at my work as I listen to him and the other boys bicker at each other.

The other two boys I haven't had any encounters with yet were Julian and Jasper.

They were just as serious as the others sitting at my table when they wanted to be, but I quickly learned Julian and Jasper were twins, they both had soft brown hair and hazel eyes, they looked identical if you didn't stare back and forth between the two. Buff shoulders, prominent facial features and body features, though Jasper wore glasses and seemed shy compared to the rest, he was the one who humbled the group, telling them what and what not to say when Zade wasn't listening to anyone but staring at me intently.

Julian was very similar to Silas, always laughing at something dumb Drew did. Julian had a girlfriend named Cherry, who blew his phone up every minute of the day or during our AP English lesson, though I could Imagine her doing the same during his other classes. I could tell he loved her, even though I haven't seen the two together.

"Texting your boyfriend?" Drew asked, leaning over my shoulder, staring at the text I had received.

"My brother." I corrected, shoving my phone into my bag.

"Since when did you have a brother?" Silas asked, confused.

"Why does it matter?" I fired back.

They might hurt him, stupid. They know you're Vee.

"Is he the one you jumped on and left with the other day?" Zade asked, his light grey eyes studying me.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked nervously, scared for the safety of Grayson.

"We aren't going to hurt him so you don't have to worry." Zade said, in his normal stoic tone though it was an inch softer then he used with everyone else.

For some reason, I trusted his words but I remained wary.

"He's my brother." I nodded.

Standing as the bell rung, I left the classroom and headed to the gym, Zade and his group followed behind me closely, making me groan internally.

Spotting Nadia, I quickly caught up to her, matching her pace, "Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." She stared at me like I'd grown another head.

"What?" I asked, staring at her confused.

"You know you're being followed right?" She said jotting her chin out behind us.

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