Chapter 24

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So here I am back with another chapter because I love you all so much, enjoy xo

"Hi Gray." I sang into the phone after he picked up.

"Hi Av, you know it's 6 am in the morning?" He chuckled into the phone.

"I know, I just miss you." I said softly, not wanting to wake Zade.

"I miss you too sis, I'll be home for Christmas break before you know it." He replied sweetly.

We talked for a while, he told me about all his classes and the friends he has made so far. He sounded so happy and I knew I made the right decision to let him go.

"I love you too Gray." I whispered into the phone before hanging up.

I turned back to Zade to find him awake.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" I asked, shifting closer to him.

"You didn't." He smiled sheepishly, pulling me into his arms.

"How was your sleep?" I asked, pushing the hair that fell onto his forehead.

"The best." He mumbled into my hair.

Pressing my lips to his cheek, I pulled him out of bed with me. "Time to get ready for school." I groaned.

I was still in my jeans and tank top from the night before, my watch and bracelet sitting on Zade's bedside table.

"Thank you for taking my things off for me last night." I pointed at his bedside table.

"I wish I could take more off." He winked with his bad boy smirk playing across his lips.

"Zade." I blushed a hot red, pushing at his toned chest.

"You're mine." He dipped his head into my neck, pulling me into his arms.

I hummed innocently, winking and slipping from his arms.

He chuckled as I left his bedroom for mine to get ready for school.

As soon as I was done, Maceo asked if he could talk so I made my way down to his office with him and Chris. Wondering what they wanted to talk about but they both seemed very happy so I knew it wasn't anything bad.

"Last night at The Pit after we left someone open fired at everyone, the family sitting in the booth next to us especially." Chris said once we were all seated.

"That's not good, is everyone okay?" I asked, panicked at the safety of the strangers at The Pit.

"Harsh truth or cherry covered truth?" Chris asked, chuckling at the face I pulled.

"I'll stick with cherry covered truth for now." I said, smiling at the both of them.

"Seven people dead and twelve injured." He replied.

"That sounds like the harsh truth option." Maceo cut in, giving Chris a look of disapproval.

My smile fell as I stared at the two of them, "It's my fault." I stated, "I should have warned them too." Staring down at my hands, my heart ached at the lives I could have saved.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I sunk into my seat.

"It's not your fault, nowhere near it Av." Maceo pulled me upright, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I responded to the hug, the hug felt like one my father always gave me. And I cried. I didn't mean to but the tears fell and I couldn't control them.

"Chris you're an idiot." Maceo growled, tightening his arms around me.

My soft crying muffled into Maceo's suit jacket. 

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