Chapter 33

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I felt bad for leaving you all hanging ahaha, enjoy xo

I sat in Maceo's office with him and Chris, they asked to talk about a couple of things regarding my mothers family and my fathers family. Maceo and Chris have been taking Fane's phone calls for me, I wasn't in the mood to deal with my families' drama right now, I had more important things to worry about.

"Both of the families want to see you." Maceo started off.

"I'm not going anywhere till Zade is awake." I sighed.

"I knew you were going to say that." Maceo smiled sadly.

"If they want to meet me they'll wait till I'm ready." I leaned back against my seat.

"You're right, it should be on your terms and not theirs." They both agreed.

"So how did Vice know about me?" I raised an eyebrow, they knew more then I did.

"Fane got in contact with him, they want to make things right with you but I think Fane and Vice will always hate each other." Maceo replied.

"What do you know about Vice?" I asked because I didn't know anything about him.

"He's just as bad as the Monrovian Family if not worse, he runs Mexico 100% there's no question about that. Vice is known to be a man of few words, he has other kids, your father was the second oldest and he has two younger siblings." Maceo answered.

"If dad was the second oldest then why was he next in line to take over?" The questions flowed.

"The oldest is a girl and your grandfather believes it is a mans job to run the family." Chris said softly.

"Makes sense." I nodded.

"Fane said that Vice doesn't know about your parents passing either." Maceo stared at me sadly.

"Doesn't surprise me." The loss of my parents tugged at my heart.

How much can my heart bare through? First my parents and now my Zade. I thought.

"If he doesn't know about my parents being gone then why the hell is he not trying to get in contact with them but with you?" I frowned.

"That's a question I didn't think about asking." Maceo and Chris frowned also.

"Did you two find information on my so called grandmother who has custody of me and my brother?" I asked.

"Yes we did, she's been acting as your grandmother since you and Grayson we're younger. She was just one of your neighbors your parents trusted you with and they put her down as your guardian if anything happened to them because they had no one else." Maceo stared down at his hands.


I knew she couldn't have been our grandmother, she held too much hate towards Grayson and me. I thought.

"So are both my grandparents alive on my fathers side as well?"

"Yes." They nodded.

"Fane or Vice haven't been threatening you guys have they?" I stared the both of them in the eyes, I didn't want them to lie to me.

"No they haven't." Maceo said truthfully with a smile.

"I'm sorry I've caused you two so much trouble, once Zade wakes I think I should leave." I said, tears sprung to my eyes.

"Don't be so silly, you haven't caused us trouble if anything it was us who caused you so much trouble." Maceo rushed towards me. "Don't even think about leaving, we love you and you're family now."

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