Chapter 43: Red comes out

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Oh gosh. I walked/ran a little over 3 miles today and it took a little of 64 minutes. Oh wow, I'm so out I shape lol.

But I needed to do that because I feel like I'm starting to get fat. It's not good haha.

So boy update!!! ;)

Well. We are doing good. He is still being really sweet and adorable like always haha. And he said the cutest thing to me. He told me that I meant the world too him. :) oh gosh. I'm starting to think that I'm really falling for him.

But I don't want to say anything because I feel like it's too early. But I honestly feel like in starting too. And to be honest, it's starting to scare me a little bit.

And our one month will be on the 28th :D

On with the story!!!

I was running with Ashe and a bunch of warriors, oh and can't forget John, to the north border where patrol is currently fighting against five spies. And from what I'm hearing, the spies are highly trained.

Liam and a couple of other patrols were almost here, but got stopped because a spy tried to escape.

Once we got there, I saw wolves everywhere.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" I heard Jake yell as he grabbed me and pulled me to him.

"I'm sorry alpha, Red came out. And she is really scary when she is angry." The guard said while offering an apologetic smile.

"Good. I'm doing my job." I smiled.

"And why is Ashe here?" David asked grabbing Ashe.

"They both are really scary when they are angry." Another guard said.

"Let's go kick so rogue spy ass!" I shouted as Ashe nodded in agreement.

"Oh no no no. That's not going to happen." Jake said while David nodded in agreement to him.

"Excuse me." I said looking at Jake.

"We have never had spies before. I don't know what they can do. And I don't want to risk anything." Jake said getting angry.

"That's it." I said getting angry.

"Listen here!" I growled as I took control. "I don't care if you never have had spies. Avery and I are fighting and there is nothing you can do about it!" I growled in Jake's face.

Jake looked shocked before his eyes turned.

"Red. You need to go back to the pack house!" Kaydon growled.

"Oh hell to the no."

"Do not disobey me Red!"

"I can and I will! I'm tired of you always sending me back to the pack house for the tiniest thing. I'm tired of everyone thinking I can't fight because I'm a f@cking girl. Well you know what?! I will fight these rogues. And no one will stop me! With that said, you can throw your little temper tantrum later. Because the day is the day, where the Luna fights back!" I growled and turned towards the fighting scene.

I stepped forward and everyone stopes fighting.

"Luna Red is in control." A guard said as he kneeled down.

One after another, the warriors kneeled down and even David and Ashe did.

"Let's end this." I smirked.

A spy shifted and walked up a little before he stopped.

"Looks like we are in the presences of the famous fox spirit." He taunted.

The Fox and The Wolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें