Chapter 8 - Xavier

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Harper was acting weird. It's like everywhere I went, she'd follow and look like she was going to ask me something, and then psyche herself out of it. If she so much as asks me for money I swear I'll have her out on her ass, because that'll prove my assumptions right. It was also getting annoying because every five minutes she'd ask if I wanted a snack or a drink - so I knew that whatever she was trying to ask me was a huge deal.

Most days you wouldn't even notice that she was home but today she was everywhere. I went to the kitchen and two seconds later she'd ask me if I needed her to make me something. I went out to the garage to workout and there she was again asking if I needed a sweat towel or some water and before I could answer she'd be off and return with the items less than a minute later. When I was heading to the shower she was right behind me asking if I wanted something to snack on after, I said yes of course and by the time I was dressed and making my way to the living room to catch the game she had steak sandwiches and fries ready for me. Hell there was even a beer sitting next to a glass full of ice.

As soon as it was halftime, Harper swooped right in and cleaned up the mess, stood in front of me and hesitated like she had something on her mind, shook her head and exited. She was back ten minutes later with the same determined look on her face, thought better of it then she was out the door. When the game game finished I swear Harper had come in and out of the room like she was on a mission only to chicken out and exit the room a hundred times. I decided I'd had enough of her odd behaviour and ask her what was up.

"Spit it out before you drive yourself crazy?" I said to Harper when she came just into the living room door for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Her mouth open and closed three or four times before I muttered, "what's going on in that head of yours?" I said in frustration.

She finally conceded after a few seconds.

"You see, I have this friend of mine who's flying to Auckland tomorrow morning to spend a few days with me and he's asked if he could stay here with us. I was wondering if that was ok with you?" She answered very quickly, looking anywhere but at my face.

"I'm not going to let you bring some fuck buddy of yours into my house!" I boomed, angry that she would even ask of such a thing. I didn't even bring any of my conquests here because I was afraid that mum and dad would see them, and also because I preferred to go to their place so I could leave and not have to put up with the hassle of trying to kick them out of the house.

I watched her fists clench and unclench. Harper looked angry for a moment before she replied.

"He's not my 'buddy' he's more like a brother to me, and I'm asking can he please stay here? You'll actually like him because in a way you know him, but you can't tell any of your friends that he's staying here because he wants to relax and not be badgered by anyone," she said helplessly.

"Ok, now I'm confused. Why would I tell my friends about this 'brother' of yours in the first place?"

"Umm, you see, he's uh actually kind of famous and wants to lay low while he has the time to do so. Usually when he comes over we hide out because otherwise people would hound him for his autograph and what not and he just wants to be out of the limelight for a short amount of time," Harper said inconspicuously.

Now I was really intrigued as to just who, she was trying to bring into my home like it was some hotel or something.

"Who's this guy anyways? Are you sure he's as 'famous' as you think he is? Do I know him?" I replied in a teasing manner.

"You kind of do...know him, I mean. Macy told me once that he's your favourite fighter."

"Are you telling me that "Alexander "The Brawler" Johnassen is your so called 'brother' and that he wants to stay at my house," I said in my snarkiest tone.

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