Chapter 11 - Harper

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"Your boyfriend was hella jealous tonight," Lex said as he undressed to only his boxers and wife beater and got into bed.

"I don't have one of those," I stated matter of fact.

"Sure, you don't. Well, not yet anyways," Lex also replied in a no-nonsense way.

"Honestly Lex, I don't know what you think you know, but there's nothing going on between Xavier and I. Trust me."

"What made you think I was talking about you and Xavier. I meant you and the waiter," he replied with a giant smirk on his face that I wanted to slap.

"Oh, well it was implied and Tristan, seems like a nice guy, but he also looks too young so there's no way he'd be my boyfriend. Besides he's got nothing to be jealous about, I'm not that much of a catch," I said with a hint of insecurity in my voice, and I knew Lex heard it.

Lex let out a deep breath like he was trying to keep his temper at bay.

"Harp, how many times do I have to tell you that you are the most beautiful girl, both inside and out, and if people choose not to see that then that's their problem."

I sat down on the bed next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I know and I'm sorry but it's hard to believe that when you're 23 years old, never been kissed and have only ever had one dating experience; which also happened to be a blind date and a major flop," I answered softly.

"There's nothing wrong with that sweetheart. It means that whoever you do give your first kiss to is going to be one lucky fella and it's nice knowing that you aren't one of those girls going around kissing guys just for the hell of it."

"What if I want to be one of those girls who goes around kissing guys for the hell of it?"

"That's not who you are Harp and if that's what you want to do, then fine by me, you're old enough to do whatever you want," Lex said with slight agitation in his voice.

"You're right, that's not me. But honestly Lex, do you think I'll ever meet someone who'll actually want to be with me," I said my voice trembling with nervousness and embarrassment.

"I do. There's no rush when it comes to finding someone who's going to accept you for you. Macy's one of the lucky few to have found someone who loves her despite all her flaws and that's amazing. You'll find something like that one day and you'll look back on this conversation and laugh at all the insecurities you have about yourself."

I never thought I could love Lex any more than I did in this moment. I could always talk about my feelings with him because he'd never laugh and always knew the right thing to say.

I hugged Lex and whispered, "Thank you so much for everything you've just said. It means the world to me to have someone like you who'd always make sure I have my head screwed on right."

"No worries sweetheart, you do the same for me. Besides, if you're 25 and still haven't had your first kiss by then, I'll kiss you," Lex said in a serious tone.

"Thanks, Lex. Let's just hope I don't have to wait that long," and we both started laughing.

"I sure hope not. You might end up like that actress in thy movie that you like so much and go back to school and fall in love with her teacher and kiss him at that big baseball game," he said shuddering at the memory of me forcing him to watch Never been kissed.

"Hey, don't say that about one of my favourite movies. I know you cried when the time ran out and Mr Coulson wasn't there to give Josie her first kiss," I said recalling the tears I saw in his eyes after I 'forced' him to watch it during one of his visits.

"How many times do I have to tell you I wasn't crying! It was my allergies!" He shouted.

"Mmm hmm, the same allergies that had you tearing up when we watched Titanic and The fault in our stars," I said teasing him and poking him in his rock hard abs.

"Hey, you said you'd never bring that up again," he mumbled looking embarrassed and defeated.

I knelt on my knees beside him and gave him a big hug.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help but tease you when you start comparing me to Josie Gellar." I laughed. "Besides no one would ever believe me if I said Alexander "The Brawler" was a big softie so you have nothing to worry about," I reassured him.

Lex grabbed me from around the waist and sat me sideways on his lap looking down at me and returned to his serious self, "I don't ever want you to think that you're not worthy for any man, because you are."

I looked up at him and nodded, "Ok."

"Good, now get the lights, all this serious talk is draining me more than one of my sparring sessions."

I laughed and walked to turn off the lights. I walked back to bed and Lex was already beneath the covers and holding it up for me to get under. I got in and he immediately wrapped me up in his heat and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I turned around and hid my head under the covers hoping that the knocking would stop, but it didn't.

I let out a frustrated breath and threw the covers off the top part of my body, lay back with my head on the pillow and groaned. I heard Lex laugh next to me, but he just pretended to be asleep.

I got out of bed and walked over to the door ready to blow up, whoever decided to wake me up from my wonderful sleep.

I yanked the door open and and it was Xavier standing there looking al sexy in his Under Armour shirt, shorts and sneakers. He still had his hand raised like he was about to knock again but was looking me up and down. I started to feel so uncomfortable because I knew I looked like crap. My hair was in a birds nest and I could still feel the sleep in my eyes. Hell I was only wearing one of Lex's old shirts that almost reached the top of my knees and boy shorts. I felt my face flush and kept my eyes on the floor, waiting for whatever smart remark Xavier had to say about my appearance.

"Morning, is Alexander ready for our workout?" Xavier asked nicely.

I turned around to Lex who was still pretending to sleep, and turned back to Xavier saying, "Maybe, give him a few more minutes and he'll be ready."

"Ok, I'll just be waiting for him in the living room," Xavier answered and walked away.

I marched over to the bed where Lex started to snore obnoxiously, grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it. His hands immediately shot up and snatched the pillow away from me.

"Hey, what's got your panties in a twist," he tried to say innocently while holding back laughter.

"You made me embarrass myself in front of Xavier, and I know you were awake during that whole time you idiot," I said in exasperation.

Lex finally let out the laugh he was holding in.

"Sorry, I just love how you two are all shy around each other. There any chance you'll be joining us?"

I glared at him.

"O-Kay. I'll take that as a no. I'll  see you when I get back," he said while getting out of bed grabbing some clothes and headed straight to my ensuite bathroom.

After I heard the shower turn on, I went straight to bed and returned to sleep. I felt Lex kiss the top of my forehead and leave. I'll get up in an hour and get lunch ready for those two when they get back I thought to myself.

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