Chapter 16 - Xavier

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Alexander left two days ago and Harper was ignoring me. Every time I walk into the same room as her she'd walk right out. I stayed home this weekend hoping that the two of us could get to know each other but she's barely ever home.

When I get up in the morning, breakfast will be sitting on the kitchen counter and no sign of Harper anywhere. I'll wait up for Harper till as late as midnight and she wouldn't even be home by then. The only indication that she's been home would be the fresh warm breakfast she'd have ready for me.

I hated that I didn't have her number but what I hated the most was that she could be out and about with some other douchebag who was keeping her up all night. I've never been a jealous man, but right now I really wanted to beat the shit out of some faceless man. The doorbell rang and I ran to answer the door hoping that it'd be Harper, but I came face to face with Macy and Brian.

"Hey bro, how's it going," Macy said as she walked right past me and into the kitchen, while Brian followed after he shook my hand in greeting.

"Hi guys, I wasn't expecting you."

"Of course not, we're here to pick up Harper for our karaoke night. Where is she?"

"I was hoping you'd tell me where she was. I haven't seen her for two days."

"What do you mean you haven't seen her for two days. I just spoke to her twenty minutes ago and she told me she was at home waiting to be picked up."

"What the-" I said stupefied when I heard a door opening behind me and lo and behold there she stood.

I felt like such an idiot thinking that she had been out but she was in her room the entire fucking time. It never even occurred to me that she'd be in there.

"Hey girl, you ready to kick some ass tonight," Macy yelled out as Harper entered the room and when she did, my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

Harper looked like an angel. She wore an above the knee white lace dress, again with a deep neckline and a beige jacket with low-cut white leather chucks. She had her hair in two Dutch braids and stood looking so shy.

"It's karaoke Macy, how are we supposed to kick ass when you can barely hold the right tune," she said in a serious tone with laughter in her eyes.

Brian almost choked on the bottle of water he was sipping from.

"Damn Harp, you got that right." He turned to a pouting Macy, "Sorry babe, but I may have to find someone else to pair with if I want to win tonight."

Macy grinned, "Well if you do that, you won't get to enjoy all of this for the next two weeks," Macy said with a hand that went down the span of her body as Harper laughed and I made fake gagging noises.

No man should ever have to hear about his sisters sex life.

"You got me there babe. Well Harp who are you pairing up with tonight?"

"I was thinking of coming out so I could laugh at the two of you make a fool of yourselves," Harper said around a giggle.

Macy turned her calculating eyes on me, "You can be Harper's partner tonight if you're not busy Xav?"

I thought about it and judging from Harper's reaction, she wasn't happy about the possibility of being paired with me. I haven't sung at karaoke since Macy's 13th birthday party and that was only because I lost a bet. But that also gives me an opportunity to spend time with Harper and keep an eye on her tonight. 

"Sounds like fun. I was planning on staying in and having a quiet night, but I'd also like to see the both of you tone def dummies up on stage. Only if you want to be my partner tonight Harper," I turned to her, waiting to see how she'll react.

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