t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Dedication: @pshicoo @savanahecho99, NinjaAreLife190 , @OporajitaIslam, @binkers8a, @123chiaratehwolf
For the sweet comments and support. You guys literally make my day and inspire me to write. (: <3

A/N: Just wanted to leave a disclaimer before y'all read: this chapter has a somewhat detailed sexual scene (not sex, but yeah), so I just wanted to let everyone know so that y'all won't be shocked haha

Remi found him sitting by the pond, just as she'd been told.

His pant legs had been rolled mid-way up his calf, revealing part of his bronzed legs. His feet dangled in the water as he sat gazing at the fish.

His back was strong and broad, and from the stiffness of it, Remi could tell he could sense her approaching.

However, he waited until she was only a few feet away to address her.

"There's something wrong with you," he said plainly.

Remi furrowed her brows. What a strange way to start a conversation with the person who just saved your life.

"And what may that be?" she asked, placing her hands on his broad shoulders as she stood behind him. He stiffened beneath her touch, but didn't shrug her off.

"You tell me," he replied coolly, without turning around. "That's what I've been trying to figure out ever since you did what you did."

Remi kicked off her sandals, allowing the warm grass to caress her feet. Birds chirped in the distance, and she found her spirits lifting.

He continued when she didn't reply, annoyance lacing his tone. "Friend is a title given to someone who you are temporarily acting friendly towards in order to get something from them."

"No," she shook her head. "That's what our messed up society has distorted the meaning of 'friend' into."

Killure turned his deep, penetrating eyes on her. A storm raged within them. "What would you define it as?"

"Someone I care about," she replied instantly. "I care about you, Killure. I don't want you to die, so I'll risk my life as many times as it takes in order to keep you alive."

His eyes darkened to nearly pitch black at her fervent words. "Why would you care about someone who embodies everything you hate? Senseless murder, brutality, hatred?"

Remi sat down on the grass, facing him. He'd taken his feet out from the water and leaned closer towards her, danger in his tortured eyes. They were such a deep shade of blue, speckled with slivers of silver. She hadn't noticed them before.

"Everyone has flaws, some worse than others," she said simply. "That doesn't mean they don't deserve to have someone care about them."

She gave him a small, genuine smile and felt the backs of her eyes burning with unshed tears as she thought of the terrible life he'd had so far. She didn't know many of the details, but she knew it wasn't good. "You deserve every good thing that happens to you, Killure, and I truly mean that. You've already been through so much."

A flicker of some unreadable expression passed through his eyes, and before Remi could ask him about it, he pulled her close, tilted her chin up with a clawed finger and claimed her mouth with his.

Remi was frozen for a moment, but then began eagerly kissing him back, relishing his warm, soft lips against hers.

His masculine scent overwhelmed her. She started to bring up her fingers to wrap in his hair, but he abruptly broke away from her.

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