t h i r t y - s i x

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They were some of the last to arrive.

Every Council of the Shimmering Men called, though they were few and far between, were always held in a different location. A couple hours before the meeting, messengers approached each person who was to attend and revealed to them the location of the meeting.

This time, they were to meet in the Surflux Plaza. More specifically, in a large conference room located deep within the heart of the building on the basement level.

Though the roof of the room was high and arching, there was not a single window. This was to ensure the safety of the Shimmering Men, so that snipers couldn't shoot them through the windows. The room was also in the centre of the sub-level, with a myriad of rooms branching off from it and rows upon rows of identical hallways, so that it would be hard for an assassin to reach them.

On the two or three floors above them were a bunch of offices, and workers going about their day without any knowledge of the Shimmering Men meeting right below them.

Remi knew that all of this also meant that anything could go on in that room among the Shimmering Men, without consequence, so she made sure to keep her guard up.

Killure trailed casually after her, his body loose and relaxed, but Remi knew that his sharp eyes saw every threat that came within their vicinity, and more.

All eyes were on her as she walked through the doors. A pleasant smile was plastered to her face. She was expected to play the part of a lady, and she would do a wonderful job.

There were only two open chairs. One was at the head of the table, and the other was on the side. Remi sat on the side, respectfully leaving room for a man she had no respect for.

Killure paused at the entrance, stepping aside and casually leaning against the wall. Every eye in the room instantly honed in on the sight of him, expanding in surprise. Killure seemed to enjoy curling his lips into a feral grin and baring his teeth at them—an action that instantly made some avert their eyes.

He noticed her watching him and sent her a cocky wink, as if he couldn't feel the tension hovering thick in the air. She knew he must. Killure was remarkably perceptive, and always seemed to take notice of everything that went on around him, reading between the lines and drawing scarily accurate conclusions. The easy, nonchalant way in which he moved, talked, and existed was something Remi had never seen before in any person, and it flared up her curiosity.

She quickly focused back on the situation at hand. All of the eyes that had been on Killure were now trained on her, as if they were finally acknowledging the true danger in the room—the demon's puppeteer.

Lord Wallathore regarded her with skittish, restless eyes. They darted back and forth between Remi and Killure, as if he didn't want to take his eyes of them for even a second. "Miss Goldridge, surely you don't mean to keep your hound in here while we speak."

Remi raised a strawberry-coloured eyebrow at him. "Is he not the subject of contention?"

"How did you—"

"Then I don't see his presence as a problem."

A voice flitted down from the ceiling. "I don,' either. If any o' ya can't handle one crazy Icix, then ya shouldn' be 'ere, eh?" His voice was light and heavily accented with lilting syllables. His eyes took on a dangerous glint as he added with a smile, "If a whole island of Icixes could be wiped out, then we don't gotta worry 'bout jus' one."

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