f o r t y - s i x

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Every second Remi spent aboard The Dark Maiden felt like an hour, and seemed to drag on forever.

She'd been restlessly pacing the length of the main deck for the past day and a half, anxious and worried. The gentle rocking of the leisurely-paced boat didn't make her feel any better.

If she didn't get back to her house on time, her family would be dead. She was the only one who knew and could do something about it.

Remi let out a heavy, frustrated sigh. She hated not being able to do anything.

Another thing she hated was the fact that there was little for her to do to distract herself from the cruel words Killure had unleashed upon her.

She hadn't expected how much they would bother her, and . . . hurt her.

Stealing a glance to the crow's nest, she found Killure perched up atop it, his eyes scanning the horizon.

He could easily be flying her back to Merricrest right now, at a speed much faster than this ship was travelling. And yet, Remi was stuck on this boat with strangers she didn't know. She felt like a wild, caged bird.

Killure hadn't spoken to her since they boarded, and in the few years rare instances he looked at her his eyes were so cold and full of anger.

It wasn't like he was obligated to be around her anymore; she knew that. He was no one's slave. Was he sticking around just to watch her be miserable? Who knew. But not knowing made Remi furious.

On an angry whim, Remi stormed across the deck and craned her neck up. He was there, staring down at her before she'd even got halfway there. Probably heard her heavy footsteps approaching.

He tilted his head to the side like a curious cat, eyes watching her closely.

But upon seeing him, the fire inside of her fizzled out. Her parted lips froze, angry words stuck in her throat. Killure had been through so much. He was allowed to feel or say whatever he wanted.

"Be careful up there," Remi managed, before turning around and walking off, shoulders slumped.

A gust of wind blew across her back, making her body shiver. She turned around, only to find Killure standing before her with a cold but quizzical look on his face. She had to crane her neck up high to meet his gaze.

"That wasn't what you were going to say," he stated coolly.

Damn him for being so intuitive.

Remi only regarded him for a moment, before releasing a tired sigh. "Forget it, Killure."

"You've got me all hot and curious now, doll. C'mon; indulge me."

Remi furrowed her brows at him. Did he seriously not understand that his words truly hurt her? Maybe he did, but just wanted her to admit it out loud for his sick amusement.

The thought itself was angering.

He was clearly only here to watch her suffer because of his actions. Because Killure didn't make any effort to save her family, she now had to go and do it. Because he didn't offer to fly her to Merricrest, Remi might be too late to save her family. Because of his harsh words about her meaning nothing to him—when he clearly meant so much to her—, she was now feeling hurt. And here he was, standing before her, always keeping her within his eyesight, to revel in her misery and anxiousness. At least, that's the only reason that Remi can think of for his staying here by her side.

With a fire burning in her eyes, Remi scowled deeply and crossed her arms. She'd confront him about it. Call him out. "Why are you here, Killure?"

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