Chapter 4 - "In case you're wondering, it's for drug running."

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Haley stood in the doorway to the student lounge, surveying the present company. The room was filled with an odd assortment of brown and black worn couches, armchairs and tables. Along the walls were trophy cases that had dates going back to the 80s. Haley often wondered if that was where the furniture had come from as well.

Though the sign above the door said student lounge it was more of the upper class hang out. If any freshman or sophomore tried to enter they were told to scram. A greeting they were waiting to repay when their time came. Today the only upper-class men present were juniors since school was out and all the seniors had better places to be.

The collection of students positioned on couches, chairs and even on the floor was a strange meshing of different cliques, though even in the single room they stayed with their own kind. Strewn across the couches sat the put together student council members and the major sports players.

Scattered on the floor and around tables were the pale-faced, awkward looking members of the science club. Haley spared a thought to them, imagining their presence here was along the same lines of her own. Though set apart from their comfortable, entitled counterparts they still talked with each other. It was almost as if they didn't know they were not whom people sought out to be with.

To Haley, the whole scene looked like a school ad. Smiling kids laughed and joked with each other, happy to be where they were. With an annoyed sigh, she finally managed to make her feet carry her into the room.

Jace was sitting on a couch's armrest and didn't notice when she walked in. This did not surprise her in the least. She couldn't count how many times she had stepped into a room and not even caused a glance to be taken. Crossing over to the tables, she took a spot at a nearly empty one. Her only companion was a somber-looking guy with a buzzed head.

With the place humming with voices and spiked with shouts of laughter, Haley suddenly wanted to have someone say something to her. Gathering up her most friendly expression she twisted to the guy across from her.

"So what are you in for?" she asked trying to sound like a fellow prisoner.

Frowning in puzzlement, the guy stared at her.

"What?" he asked.

Under his confused gaze, Haley slid back in her chair.

"Nothing," she said. "Bad joke."

Still baffled, the guy looked away. Haley sank deeper in her chair, wanting this whole thing to be over. As if hearing her thoughts, Rachel stepped into the room. A few people stopped talking at her appearance but most of the conversations continued on. Taking a chair from one of the tables, she placed it at the front of the room and climbed on it.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" she asked.

When some of the guys persisted on talking, Rachel stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled. The sound was clear and sharp. The talking ceased and the guys gave her their attention.

"Thank you," she said, her voice cheery. "As you all know you're here to help with the Senior Day project."

"What?" a burly guy said, feigning surprise. "I thought we were here to deface school property."

He stood as if to storm out, but Jace shoved his shoulders, forcing him back into his seat.

"Shut up and listen, Chad."

Chad grinned like his performance was the funniest thing in the world. No one paid him much mind since it was a common stunt they had witnessed in class.

"Thank you, Jace," Rachel said. "You all know how last year's Senior Day event was a school-wide water gun and balloon fight. I am determined to make this year's Senior Day even more amazing than last year."

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