Chapter 23 - "Why did you ask me to come over?"

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Evening had fallen and the house felt eerily quiet as Haley opened her bedroom door. The lights were all out and she couldn't hear any movement. Matt's car was gone and Haley figured he had gone off with friends. Even with it getting late, her parents still hadn't come home. She thought of calling them but knew the excuse she would receive. Instead, she headed down to the kitchen looking for something to eat.

From outside she could hear as someone hit play on salsa music and the rise of voices as people talked over it. The sound seemed to embody the feeling of freedom and happiness, the rhythm almost making Haley want to move to it. When she didn't find anything worth eating, she headed back to her room. Seeing that Jace's bedroom lights were still on but he wasn't in sight she crept to her balcony.

From her vantage point, she could see a couple of people giving into the rhythm and dancing together while others sat around a table, their hands talking alongside them. The words were indistinguishable from the distance, but from their expressive face's Haley felt she knew where their stories were taking them.

She was so caught up in watching the scene that she didn't notice Jace appear. Spotting her, he smiled and opened his door. Even then she wasn't aware that he was there. There was something so warm and inviting about the scene below that she couldn't look away.

"How's it going, Haley Day?" he asked.

Surprised, Haley squeaked and jumped back. Jace leaned against his door, laughing. Face flushing with embarrassment, Haley moved to hide away in her room. Still laughing, Jace held up a hand, halting her.

"I'm sorry, I just never imagined you would squeak," he said, his eyes teasing her.

"You scared me, okay." Laughter still tripped from Jace's lips and Haley scowled, trying to cover up her humiliation. "What do you want, anyway?"

The laugh died away and his face became more encouraging.

"I wanted to see if you're hungry?"


"Yeah, come on," he said, already backing into his room, not giving her the chance to refuse. "I'll meet you out front."


"Outside, Haley Day." He waved a hand forward. "Come on."

Jace was already gone before Haley could tell him she didn't want to go. Standing for a long moment debating, she left her room and slipped out the front door. Outside, Jace stood waiting, his hands in his pockets.

"I never said yes to your offer," she said.

"No, but you came down. You didn't have to. So that must mean you accept and you're hungry." He walked back towards his house. "My aunts are making enchiladas. You'll like them."

"The enchiladas or your aunts?"

Jace was back at his door and pulling it open when he answered. "Both."

Sighing and knowing she wasn't going to be able to convince she didn't want to go, she joined him and slipped inside.

The interior wasn't what she expected. Instead of a modern setup and assortment of California decorations, the whole house had a Southwestern feel to it. The walls were painted varying shades of brown with colorful, woven wall hangings, the floors were tiled and dotting bookcases and end tables were pieces of hand-painted pottery. All of it combined gave an earthy feel to the place.

Jace barely let Haley absorb his home before he was guiding her down a hallway and into a kitchen that took up half the back of the house. Like the rest of the place, it was crowded with clay jars and hints of Spanish art.

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