Chapter 12 - "Now you're the one flirting with me."

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There was still a faint smile on Haley's lips as she walked into the house. But upon the silence that she was greeted with, the look slipped from her hold. For a long while, she stood in the entryway, feeling the complete lack of sound. As she remained there it seemed to grow until the weight of it was crushing.

Trying to rid herself of thoughts and emotions she could feel crawling in, she climbed the stairs, making at much noise as she could, wanting the walls to ring once more, even if it was the sound of her solitude. She kicked her door shut and tossed her backpack onto her bed. It gave a muted bounce on the comforter. Digging out her headphones, she put them in, letting the pounding bass drown her.

With a sigh, she sank into the chair at her desk. She curled one leg under her and pulled her other in, resting her chin on top, arms wrapped around it as if she were hugging it, or holding herself together. A thought for homework passed through her mind, but she didn't want to leave the sanctuary of music just yet.

From where she sat she could see through her balcony doors and into Jace's room. He was sitting on his bed, playing videos games. Haley shifted and could see his tv screen. On it, an animated character was racing around an underground tunnel. Something flickered in the corner of Haley's mouth as the familiar game bought a rush of memories to her.

Fighting them, Haley watched as Jace's character got trapped in a single room and couldn't seem to get out. The longer it went on the more annoyed Jace got. The music was too loud for Haley to hear his frustration, but she could see it in the way he tensed, ran his hands through his hair and gripped the controller.

The sight of him agitated renewed the thoughts of the day and the curiosity over his fight. Knowing some thoughts were the lesser of two evils, she focused on him, instead of an empty house and all that it meant. Even as she puzzled over what had happened she wondered why she should care. So he got into a fight, big deal? But somehow it was.

And somehow Jace never looking at her poked something in Haley that made her want to know even more. Was he ashamed about what had happened and that's why he didn't look at her? Why should she care? She didn't, it was just natural curiosity, nothing more.

Annoyed with herself and her want to know, Haley snatched her backpack and pulled out her homework. The task was a complete failure. Still able to see Jace, Haley's eyes wandered to him, speculations stirring until she wanted to scream at him for distracting her.

Jace's own frustrations seemed to be climbing along with her own. His character was stuck in the same room and now frantically climbing and jumping over things. Fueled to her feet, by pure annoyance, Haley pulled out her headphones and found her stray hacky sack. When she pulled the door open the smell of freshly mowed grass and paint filled her room. She threw the hacky sack and it hit Jace's window with a soft thump.

Frowning, he looked over. The expression didn't fade when he saw her, but he still paused the game and walked to the doors.

"What?" he asked, in a tone that clearly said he didn't want to talk.

In the shadow of his room, it was hard to make out the bruise on his cheek. Haley gestured to the screen.

"You have to twist the stones until they mirror the drawing on your map," she said.

The statement made Jace momentarily forget why he was pissed. He glanced back at the tv then at Haley.


Without another word, he went back to sitting on his bed, but he didn't close his doors and Haley didn't leave. After a second, he spoke.

"I twist these stones?" he asked.

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