Chapter Twenty

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3 months later....

"It's really beautiful." Siara kissed Nick on his cheek, "Thank you so much."

He smiled sweetly, "Anything for you."

Siara kept her smile plastered on her lips as she stare at him. He has done it again, and Siara didn't know how to keep up with Nick's surprises. The man has done so much to her, gave her so many gifts and also don't forgot the surprises he gave to her this past three months she staying with him.

The first surprise he gave to her was when he brought her to carnaval, after two weeks she spent her time in Paris. Then every two weeks he gave her another surprise such as strolling around the city with a limousine, sending a bucket of roses two weeks in a row no matter where he was, went on a holiday around europe with trains just the two of them, and now Nick wanted to take it easy on his surprise, so he reserved a nice restaurant with Eiffel Tower as a view.

Nick knows Siara was too exhausted to went around too long or too far. Her belly was really big now it could pop any minute now. A week ago they went to gynecologist and the doctor said her due was near. So it was best to let her relaxed a bit. Enjoying a good time for them both.

Both of them never really want to know what the sex of the baby. Siara insist let it be a surprise until its born. Of course, Nick granted her wishes. Whatever the sex is, he still love it the same. The thought made him giddy. He never asked her if Siara wanted him to be the father of her child. It wasn't his responsibility though.

But Nick's mind want to. To not only love Siara, but also another part of her. True the child she carrying wasn't his, it belonged to another man. But he was more than happy if Siara let him be the one.

That's how much he love her.

"The view is lovely." Siara said, broke off Nick's daze, "How did you get the reservation? Some says it was difficult."

He gave her a cocky smile, "That's for me to keep and for you to found out."

Siara narrowed her eyes to him but the man only replied her with a shrug and laugh. Both of them continued their supper on comfortable silence. That was until Nick opened his mouth again.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I thought I made it clear, twice Nick, this is beautiful. The best experience I ever had in my life."

The corner of his lips lifted, "Glad you like it then. I only wanted the best for the woman I love."

Siara swallowed hard on the food she ate. Every time she heard the word 'love' came out from Nick's mouth, her heart flutters. He never asked her in return. He simply confessed it and that's it. Maybe he wanted her to answer back but her heart wasn't there yet. Of course, Nick made her like the happiest woman on earth everyday. He showered her with love and affection every chance he got. But she has been afraid of falling in love again. And now she's carrying a baggage that wasn't Nick responsibility or any other man in this world but Jonathan.

But in the end she couldn't went back to her ex-fiance. He was cheating on her and there's another child he needed to take care of besides hers. So it was best if Jonathan focus on Anna's child and let her responsibility for her own.

Nick finished his meal and wipe his mouth with napkins. Both of them stared at each other. Just then, Nick took Siara's hand and carressed it with his thumb.

"There's something I want to talk about." Nick began, "Just promise me you listen until the end and you won't freaked out."

Siara nods hesitantly but she let Nick continue.

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