Chapter Twenty Three

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A week had past after Nick's proposal.

A week had past since Siara said yes to Nick's proposal.

Did she rushing everything? Maybe yes, but for her daughter, she had no other choice.  She couldn't think just for herself now that she had Sabrina and the fact that her daughter needed a father figure. Even though there's still a chance that Jonathan might be considered her daughter to be his too, but there was one reason she held herself back.


This past week her mind filled with Anna. Siara never knew why Jonathan gave in, welcomed Anna to his house. But then again, at least that was what Siara asked for from him. Jonathan needed to take care of Anna's baby. She couldn't ask Jonathan if he should take care two babies at once. Siara's emotion feel drained when she should be happy. 

For her daughter, she was willingly to move on.

The busy street in London as she stared from the window café felt really good to kept her mind filled with endless possibilities whether if she's going back to Jonathan or move forward with Nick. If she ask her heart, she love them both actually. Though Jonathan hurt her she still love him the same. But she starting to grew feeling for Nick, because let's just face it, Nick is every woman's dream. Kind and caring. One thing she love the most about Nick is when she accepted Sabrina as his own flesh and bones. That was how deeply Nicholas Brentley love Siara and it touched her heart.

Siara sighed. She was in between. But her answer has been out and she had to live with that. Though it was very hard, today she made a promise to herself. She's going to forgot Jonathan and move on with Nick by her side.

As she made promise to herself, she stood up from where her seat. It was time for her to meet her fiancé. Her eyes darted to her daughter, Siara smiled to her while the little one was sleeping on her stroller and said, "We're going to see your daddy now and we're going to surprise him at work."

Just then as she looked up from her daughter, Siara caught a beautiful jade eyes stared at her, stunned. Siara's eyes grew wide upon seeing someone in front of her. A tantalizing jade eyes she missed everyday every time she's closed her eyes to sleep and to wake up in the next morning. Her throat felt dry. Just a seconds ago, she made herself a promise. Now her promise was threw out of the window the moment she caught his eyes. Jonathan's eyes.


Jonathan's voice squeezing her heart. Like it stabbed her to the core. She missed his voice. His deep and masculine voice calling out her name like he's moaning her name.

He took a few steps and said, "How, uh, how are you?"

Siara just stood there, a few breath away from him, stared at him without replying to him. This must be a dream. Jonathan couldn't be in here. In front of her and handsome as hell. Though there was some dark circle below his eyes, skinny cheekbones, still he was a handsome man she fell in love with. Jonathan's eyes turned from her to the stroller beside her. 

Two girls made him stunned in a matter of second and that's new for him.

He crouched down and stared at the baby with filled watery eyes on him. He tried to hold it back. But he was this happy to saw her for the first time. His heart filled with so much emotions he couldn't contain. Jonathan was so happy to saw his daughter, but right now she wasn't really his. It hurt him so much. His world shattered. His two most precious girls wasn't belonged to him. They belonged to someone else who love them so much, just like him. 

"Her name is Sabrina." Siara informed.

Jonathan looked up to Siara like he couldn't believe what he just heard. Then he smiled to her, smile tenderly to showed how happy he was.

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