🛍️Konoha Fire Moon Ball: Shopping🛍️

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(Had to do the emoji guys)

Sinon's POV

We were in front of the five kages and were like ._. awkward... Natsu was running around and screaming, "We won!" and stuff.

"The teams that are achieving the Chimu rank! *lists teams*"


"And the winner of the Chimu exams, TEAM TAKA~!!!"

"Louder Cheering*

"That guy is so HOT!"


Yeah, that was probably compliments for Sasuke. I mean, Suigetsu and I exist to. I just want to go to sleep. Tsunade stands up.

"I invite all the teams and kages here to celebrate, The Konoha Fire Moon Ball!" Tsunade announced.

Okay, what is this ball thing? But apparently everyone is so excited, I don't ask. I walk back to the Hyuga household. Eat dinner. Sleep. Yeah, that's the life I usually have.

Next day...

Tenten said, "Konoha Fire Moon Ball? It's a tradition that happens randomly, when the moon turns fire-red."

Hinata continued, "A sign that shows is red flowers in the forests near the village. They bloom like crazy!"

Now that I think about it, I did see tons of red flowers and stuff, in fact, Sasuke got scared when he saw them. Maybe he knew??? I don't know.

Tenten said, "It's a sign of good luck, so we celebrate it... if we don't celebrate, it brings bad luck."

"So~, we gotta get ready!" Hinata squealed.

"When does it take place?" I asked.

"In 3 days!" they both squealed.

oh. Kill me. That means...

"GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!!" They said.

They dragged me out of the house, and to Sakura's house. The others were excitedly planning, while I put on a cloak to get ready shopping. (Yeah, there are stores guys) Sakura dragged us to this one store with her favorite color EVERYWHERE. Pink. And yeah, we also dragged a couple of extra bags too.

 And yeah, we also dragged a couple of extra bags too

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"Sakura, is the chest part too low?" I asked.

"No," she said.

I thought, 'She needs boobs to fill out those upper curves, or that dress is the worst pick ever.' Then Ino dragged us off to this huge-ass store to buy tons of dresses for her wardrobe. This store is so... color-coordinated. Like, purple is purple, they actually have huge separations for different shades, so Hinata went off to get a lavender dress with Tenten. This is Ino's dress:

 This is Ino's dress:

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