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Five months later...

Naruto's POV

Team Guy is out of town, own a mission. It's been five months since I've seen Sinon, and Sasuke and his team still hang around in the Leaf. Sasuke and his team are accompanying Team Guy, so they aren't here either. And where am I? Mount Myoboku. (I think that's how you spell it).

"Master Fukasaku! Kosuke has been killed!" A messenger toad said.

"WHAT?!" he yelped.

"His name disappeared from the list!" the toad continued.

"Naruto, my boy," Fukasaku said, "let's go."

10 minutes later...

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Look carefully," Shima advised, "this is Konoha!"

"What?!" I yelled.


3rd person POV

(Nobody in the Akatsuki died yet, except for Hidan and Kakazu)

"You're back!" Deidara yelled at the figure.

"Yeah," the figure answered.

"Well, I have to tell you, Hidan and Kakazu died," Deidara drawled.

"Really?" the hooded person asked.

"The Leaf got 'em," he continued.

The hooded figure froze, but nodded after snapping out of his\her's haze.

"Where's Pain?" the figure asked.

"Attacking the Leaf for revenge," Deidara yawned.

"WHAT?" the hooded figure asked.

The person got up and headed for the exit.

"Don't be so hasty," Sasori said from the corner.

"Leave me alone, Sasori," the hooded figure said.

The hooded figure left.

"Sinon!" Deidara exclaimed.

Half an hour later...

Sinon's POV

HE promised. He promised. Why? WHY?! I approached the Leaf and gasped. The village was in ruins, a huge crater in the middle. I looked in the middle, to see Hinata. Confessing, when Pain stabbed her. Naruto raged and let out his tails. I used a jutsu on Pain, knocking him out. I jumped up and smacked Naruto in the face, knocking him out of his daze.

"Sinon-chan," he bawled as I got confused, how did he know it was me?

Naruto stumbled over to Pain's body, and I thought, did he figure it out? He stuck it into his skin, (I think, I watched that episode a long time ago). He ran somewhere and I followed. He figured it out. I watched as he talked to Nagato, who sacrificed his life for the others he killed. Deidara is gonna be pissed. I started to leave.

"Wait! Sinon!" Naruto cried, "aren't you going to stay with us?"

"No, this is not where I belong," I stated.


"No," I seethed, leaving.

I started to walk out of the gates when I saw Kirito's team, Team Taka, and Team Gai. I put on the hood that came with my cloak.

"Who are you?!" Sasuke yelled, "ITACHI?!"

How stupid can you get? None of the others have hoods, except for me. Neji rushed forward, probably about to use Gentle Fist, but I evenly matched it by copying his Gentle Fist.

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