Konoha Fire Moon Ball Pt. 5: Kidnapped

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Sinon's POV

So I slumped on the couch all bored and tired. I walked to the food table and drank a cup of apple cider. Then another cup, another, another, and another. Then Sakura came up to me

"Sinon, would you stop showing off ass, because you've got no ass to show," Sakura said, as I stood there confused. (Reference I heard somewhere on YouTube).

"Uh, okay, but you should stop pulling down your dress for Sasuke to see the cutting board underneath there," I said.

She glared and stomped off. A finger tapped on my shoulder.

"Dance?" Sasuke said.

I glared, "I thought I already made it clear that I said no," I responded.

"An you blame a man for trying?" He asked as he we walked to the dance floor.

We swayed and I sensed a killer aura coming from the back and could literally feel Sakura burning holes through my head. Ah, jeez. I broke off the dance as I headed to the food table for more apple cider. I sat down on a couch and finished my drink when-


The wall exploded. Sakura screamed as her dress lifted up, but also used that to her advantage. Showing off to Sasuke huh? And she said I was showing off my ass. What a fucking hypocrite. No one wants to see you ass hairs.

"Kisame," the guy with black hair  in the cloak with red clouds they were both wearing said, "you get the black hairs."

Huh??? The two guys went for Naruto, Kirito, Sai, and me. The guy that looked extremely like Sasuke snatched Naruto, then me. I struggled against his strong grip, when he put us under a genjutsu. I struggled to break it without using my "Sharingan".

"KAI!" I said.

The genjutsu broke. I saw Naruto, Sai, and Kirito in a genjutsu.

"Kai!" I exclaimed as I released Naruto and Sai.

"Sinon!" Naruto cheered.

The three of us group hugged.

"So... are you going to release that guy?" Sai asked, ruining the moment.

"Nah," I said.

"Where are we?" Naruto asked.

We were in a wooden cell with bars. The floor was rumbling, meaning, we were on a moving cell.

"Rasengan!" Naruto yelled, going for the wall.

Then a figure came through the door at lightning speed and caught Naruto's hand, but I also pulled out a kunai and held it against the figure's throat.

"Fast," he muttered.

Then a fish guy came in through the door which Sai wrapped him with an ink snake.

"Oi," the fish guy said pointing at me, "you knocked Itachi out for three days for putting that strong genjutsu on you!"

Instead of looking at the fish guy, he glares at me. Like, what the fuck?! Stare at him for saying that, no me! I just be like, somebody get to the point already. The fishy answers the question for me.

"We are the Akatsuki, and we want to recruit you," the fishy said.

"Said the fish who I highly suspect," I said.

"OI!" he exclaimed as the others, besides Kirito laughed.

"But we would never join anyway," Naruto said seriously.

"No, we have a new way... make an organization so powerful to take over the world! Instead of using jinchuriki, we will build the most powerful organization in the world," Itachi said.

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