-Chapter Seventeen-

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Me and Seth run down to the infirmary as quickly as possible, not planning to stop until we reach the room Marcus is being treated in.

After finding out he had been badly injured in a rogue attack, we both threw on some clothes and high tailed it down here. From what we heard about the attack, Gamma Marcus had been ambushed by at least seven wolves, by the time reinforcements came to help the three remaining ones had latched onto him and wouldn't let go...he was unconscious when they brought him in here, and lost a lot of blood.

Just before reaching the room, the sound of growling and shouting echoes out the open door.

I clear the entryway first with Seth shortly behind me, and I stumble at the sight in utter shock.

The sight before me is jarring, even for an experienced warrior like myself. Marcus lies unconscious and bleeding in the bed, some of his blood dripping on the floor as the three pack doctors and Adri try to stop the bleeding. At the same time, three warrior wolves are growling and trying to force a young she wolf out of the room, her scent smelling of rogue and her behavior a bit feral and completely uncooperative.

I can see the fear and anguish in her eyes, and she appears to be trying to communicate desperately, her voice crying out a distorted 'No!' while moving her hands rapidly.

"Stop! Let her go! I'll deal with her!"

I call out to them, recognizing something in her anxious eyes. They immediately let her go, but continue to stand around as the poor girl huddles in the corner, her eyes darting between them and Marcus worriedly. Her blonde hair is matted and dirty, and the worn out t shirt that hangs to her knees is even filthier. Her green eyes are wide and scared, not just for herself but for Marcus as well.

But the thing that actually shocks me is her hands, because now that she's not restrained and fighting back, they are moving in a pattern I recognize very well...one I learned in my years of being rogue.

"Be careful Luna, she seems pretty aggressive."

I turn to one of the warriors, and study his face that is covered with scratches, no doubt from the terrified girl.

"Was she doing this when you showed up?"

He nods."She was crouched over him and covering his wounds, when we showed up she refused to leave him and kept moving her hands like that. It's like she can't hear us."

I sigh, smiling at the poor boy while shaking my head.

"It's because she can't."

I turn back to her and smile, and begin moving my hands and arms in a flowing pattern, I'm a bit rusty, but I'm managing. She smiles faintly in relief and begins to return my movements rapidly.

"Angel, what's going on?" Seth asks, and I smile, turning to him before returning my focus to the girl in front of me.

"She's been using sign language. She can't communicate normally because she's deaf."

Subtle gasps fill the room as I pick up the conversation where I left off.

"My name is Katrina, what is your name?" I ask and sign at the same time.

She signs back immediately, so I must have asked it right.

My name is Marigold. Please, I have to stay with him.

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