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*** WARNING***

Mentions of death, drugs, and Violence

2 years ago




"ADRIAN ven aquí" my 14 year old brother comes tumbling down the hallway, with my little sister celia trailing close behind him. " Adrian you're in charge, Mom isn't answering and pa's phone was disconnected I'm gonna go check on them. Don't leave this apartment do you understand me?" I question "Yes tobes I know, But what's the point, you already know how they are, mom's probably to drugged up to answer and pa is probably shooting someone right now." Adrian rolls his eyes, Already fed up with his parents, they never cared for him, so why should he care? "Adrian, I know, I understand, trust me. But I still care for them ok? There's leftover pizza in the refrigerator. Call me if you need anything." I say as I grab the keys and lock the door behind me.

"MA, PA, ARE YOU THERE?" I yell as I knock on the motel door. I sigh looking towards the parking spaces, They don't even own a car, so I wouldn't even know if they're here. I make my way towards the front office of the motel. I greet Joel with a smile, I've been in this situation one too many times. "Need a key again?" he asks handing over an extra key to unlock my parents door. "As always, Have a nice night, Stay safe!" as I'm walking out I hear the faint "You too October." Joel was a sweet man, He tried his best to keep this motel in a manageable state, But with people like my parents around it was nearly impossible.

My mom is a drug addict, and my dad is a member of the local gang here in vegas. When I was born my mom left my dad, straightened herself up and was clean for the first couple of years, But when I was about 6 or 7 they had got back together and she went downhill from there. My father never really tried to be apart of my life. He was too focused on the streets there were numerous amounts of times I found myself being affiliated with his gang, Sometimes they would have me pick up, drop off or collect money, but I was never an actual member, so I thought nothing of it. My father was never good at showing affection, but I knew he cared about me, One time, when I was walking home from middle school, some high school kid jumped me, took my shoes and my backpack. I came home crying to my dad, all he said to me was "Toughen up, fight back" But the next day I saw that same kid sporting a black eye and a busted lip.

Things started to get real tough once my brother was born. I had to learn how to not only deal with my high mom, absent dad and their angry druggie/gang member friends, but I also had to learn how to care for Adrian, When he was hungry I had to provide for him, When he was sick I had to care of him, When he needed help on homework I had to be there to help him. 2 Years after my brother was born my sister celia was born. Just like Adrian, I was a mother figure to her as well. When I turned 18 I filed for custody over Adrian and Celia. I knew I had to get them out of that lifestyle, especially Adrian, He was already a new Prospect to my father as a new gang member. As Time went on I gained full custody over Adrian and Celia, I saved up enough money for a simple 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment. It wasn't alot, but it was enough for us to survive on.

I routinely check on my parents, even though they made my life hell I could never neglect them, it's just not who I am. I learned from their mistakes, and I learned to never turn your back on anyone. My mom usually answers when I call, the conversation isn't long, just a simple 'Hey, just checking on you' she'll usually just hang up. But this time she never picked up, so I knew something was going on.

I knocked on the door one last time before I put the key card in, but there was no response. I huffed as I pushed the door open and switched on the lights. When my brain processed what was in front of me it felt as though all the oxygen left my body. My limbs went numb and my eyesight blurred. I struggled to form words. My mom was laid across the floor needles on the table and the floor. Her eyes were glossed over and her body slightly blue, rope marks bruised her neck. My dad, slumped against the wall, blood trickling down out his mouth and nose, gunshot wounds scattered across his chest. One, two, three, four, five, five bullet holes piercing through the skin of his chest. I grab onto the wall for support. My eyes never leaving the gruesome scene in front of me while I reach around my pocket for my phone. My shaky hands dial the all too familiar number 9-1-1.

"911  do you need police, fire, or medical?" My eyes dash between my mom and my dad's body "I uh, I need, police" I manage to choke out before the sobs rake through my body. "Whats your emergency" I close my eyes The image of their bodies burning themselves into my memory. "My parents, they're dead."

Joel stood by my side the entire time, he held my hand when the officer was questioning me, and held my hair when I got sick as they wheeled my mom and dad out in bodie bags. I knew this was no freak accident, who ever killed my parents did it with a purpose. I don't know who or why, All I know is I have to get Adrian and Celia out of Vegas.




Hey so First chapter is up. I have alot of Ideas for this story!!! Oscar isn't here yet because I want to give y'all some background on October, Oscar should be making an apperance in the next chapter or two! FEEDBACK IS WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

What do you think of the story so far?!?!?!?!?

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