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I awoke a breathless mess, clutching my white sheets to my chest.

My eyes swivel about the room in confusion. What am I doing here? I can't even remember going to sleep, nor much of what happened yesterday...last I remember I was having dinner with Carlos?

I count my breaths until I can contain my sudden nervous breakdown. Finally, my night sweats are too much to stay put and I throw the embarrassingly damp sheets off of me and run to my bedroom mirror.

I look up slowly, dreading the chance that I might not see myself in its reflection. To my great relief the eyes of my human self meet mine, but I am still finding myself unsettled at the sight of myself. I had exhausted circles under my bloodshot eyes. My hair was wildly unkept, my shoulder scuffed with dirt, and a small leaf had lodged itself within one of my unbrushed curls.

Frowning deeply, I slowly pull the thing and curiously examine it.

Yup, it's real-


I pause thoughtfully then, fully engrossing myself in what on Earth I did last night. What...happened to me that caused some sudden, ridiculous amnesia?

Slowly the panic takes over all train of thought and I quickly rush into the dark hallway.

Did I turn without knowing? Did I run out without realizing it? Why wouldn't I remember it if I did? I should be able to recall everything unless the Beast-

A worried whimper escapes my throat as I stand still in the hallway. An indulging thought enters my mind but I fight it.  What if I was under the Beast's control?

I want to see Carlos...but-no! No, I do not need to disturb Carlos this time of night. I can be strong and wait till morning and speak to him then.

I nod my head and accept this. It would be terribly inappropriate for me to wake him for a night terror. I could be in some kind of confused trance. Such a thing could be possible if I awoke confused enough. I may not even be fully awake!

Though I had decided on my course of action, I still find myself still in place, stuck between my bedroom and his, my fists balled up nervously at my sides.

No! Charlotte, you'll be an intrusion. This is the kind of stuff you do when you actually know someone, and know that they care for you...Carlos barely knows you! Do you really wish to do this when he's just getting to know you? After all, anything could happen if he chooses to reject you!

Oh, God, I had barely even considered that possibility....what if I become so unlikeable he would rather find another werewolf Queen...then where would that leave me? Rejected and possibly killed or exiled? It's not as if he could release a werewolf into the village...and if that were to happen I have no doubt I would be at the Beast's mercy. I would be in his control, his useless subject that failed a simple task. The simple task of sitting beside the King, pleasing him, and looking pretty.

Would Carlos really kill me if I don't end up as his bride? After all, he doesn't appear to have a choice in the matter. I was chosen by the Beast for him...but that doesn't mean he wouldn't despise me if I were to act irritatingly. I still want him to be fond of me, at the very least.

I would despise myself if I made him dislike me. It would be a failure on my part, and it could end fatally. After all, there's nothing stopping Carlos from "disposing" of me once I have provided him with an heir.He had said I would die if I didn't become his bride...

Again, my panicked breathing returned and a chill runs up my spine, purely from the anxious thoughts overtaking my entire being.

He wouldn't do that to me, would he?

If something happens to me, my mother would have died to save me for nothing.

With that thought in mind I burst into tears; said tears causing me to desperately ache for Carlos and his company, his comfort. While fighting against myself I walk ever so slowly to his doorway, seeking his presence against my will.

I softly rap on his door, cursing myself as I do so. I quickly pull back as I hear shuffling within his room. For a second everything quietens, and I set myself on leaving and hope he hadn't heard me and I simply heard him shifting in his sleep.

But, of course, he was actually listening intently on the other side of door.

I take a small step backwards, and the floorboards slightly creaks.

"Charlotte?" His voice is so soothing, and I'm drawn to him instantly by the mere tone of his voice. It was an unexplainable pull, and I had to steady myself as the urge to throw open the door and throwing myself into his arms overcame me.

"Carlos?" I softly answer worriedly.

I sense he felt similarly as he threw open the door then, tugging me inside the pitch black room.

Startled, both my hands grab his forearms to steady myself, my breath noticeably exhilerated.

"What's wrong?" He probes as I catch my breath finally.

"I...uh...can't remember."

He pauses, unmoving.

"Please tell me what happened last night." I choke.

"Oh, sweetheart you fainted after dinner." He chimes, surprising me by enveloping me in his arms. Pleased by our intimate contact, I melt into his arms.

"" I murmur.

"I'm not sure, but I think you were upset. I had told you...some unfortunate news of your father." He whispers sadly.

Ripping my attention from his warm embrace I reel back in surprise. "What news?" I hiss.

"I gave him your letter." Carlos rocks me back and forth, and rests his chin on my head. "He couldn't stand to send back a reply. He says...he can't see you anymore." He pauses as my eyes begin to water. "He wishes you well but says not to expect any further word from him. He's...leaving the village to start new."

I gasp in disbelief. It felt like a rejection...plain rejection now that I have changed. He couldn't handle it!  And I should have seen it coming! After all, he had left on my birthday.

My father is not a brave man...Who was I to ever think differently?

I let out a small whimper, tucking my face into Carlos' shoulder. He murmurs small words of comfort, none of which I can disipher.

"At least he'll be far away from the Beast." He finally says, his hands stroking my hair.

"Yes..." I agree. "You were able to hear back from him so quickly? I had only given the note to you at dinner."

"My father has a close connection to the Beast. It only takes a matter of an hour to hear back at most. I told you later in the evening and you just lost it, sweetheart." He whispers sympathetically.

He holds me for a while longer as my every thought becomes engrossed with everything about Carlos.

"Why is this pull happening now?" I hesitate. "Do you feel it too?"

He pulls away, as I face where I believe his face is. I can feel his soft breath and realize how close he is to me.

"I think the Beast is trying to drive us closer. I expect he's impatient." He concludes.

"We only just met." I half heartedly object.

"Doesn't matter. I think he's triggering your heat." He is breathless now. I can feel the tip of his nose trailing sensually down my temple.

"T-that werewolf rumour is actually true?" I stutter nervously.

"I can smell it." He hisses lustfully. His voice alone made me ache for him and I cursed myself for feeling so promiscious and allowing myself to submit to my hormones.

Before I can respond I feel his searching lips across my cheek, sneaking towards my lips instantly....

And I reciprocate it, my lips desperately searching as well-

Ecstasy fills me as his lips finally find mine.

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