A Little More

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For a few blissful moments, all that exists is the pressure of Carlos' lips on mine. He pulls me further into the room, tugging me to sit on the soft surface of his King sized bed. 

My instincts speak louder than my brain. Despite every logical thought that I should let go, or pull away...I just can't force myself. 

Carlos finally is the first to shove himself away, breathing heavily, and omitting the sexiest gasp I had ever heard. "We have to stop." He growls. 

Had I done something to anger him? 

"D-did I do something?" I whisper uncertainly. I curl away from him, hoping that he still couldn't see the condition of my hair. I try my best to tug out the knots while I nervously wait for his answer. Thankfully, as I try to find him in the darkness, I find it impossible despite my recent sight improvement. I may be a werewolf now, but in this darkness, there's no way I could ever see anything without a lamp. Same should go for him, so my rat nest hair is concealed for now. 

"No..."He sighs. "To be honest, I can't stand the thought of the Beast controlling how I feel about  you." He exhales loudly, laying down on the bed while I sat in silence, absolutely dumbfounded. 

Did all that mean nothing? 

"So, you only kissed me for the sake of my heat?" I try to force my voice to sound neutral, but a small crack in my voice slips out. 

"It's a powerful thing." He simply comments, shifting on the bed once again. "But I wouldn't have been...so drawn to you if I didn't already have existing feelings." 

My core slightly aches, a slight flush spreading on my cheeks and I am thankful he can't see the ruby red colour I'm sure they've turned to. "What should I expect?" I hiss. "Doesn't heat painfully continue until the female is...satisfied?" I groan. 

"It eventually goes away." Carlos comments, his voice coated with sympathy. "I just don't want things to be forced like this. It's up to you, in the end, what you'd like to do." 

I hold my waist tightly, shivering. My body was slowly tormenting me more and more the closer I was to him. I had no doubt his mere presence was intensifying it, and yet I couldn't make myself leave. "What are my options?" I whimper. 

"Resistance entirely." He murmurs first. "Giving in... or holding off for just a while longer." 

"Holding off for a while?" I quickly question. 

He inhales sharply as a wrack of burning need fills my stomach. I hiss in pain and slide away forcefully. "Yes." He groans. "We can speed up the wedding and do this the right way. You'll have to deal with the pain for a few days, but you'll keep your dignity. I won't touch you if you don't want me to in the meantime. Being away from me will help, as well as ice baths I'll have the maids prepare for you. My sister can even keep you company." 

I pause to consider. "It's either that, or I resist it until the heat goes away and we take it slow....or we relieve it right now?" 

"Yes." He shifts further from me, both of us on the opposite corners of the bed now. 

Another shot of pain overtakes me, forcing me to let out a beastly growl. "I. Can't. Take. It." 

He hesitantly comes closer. "My...touch might help - I don't mean...everything, but it's something." 

I growl, and shove his shoulder angrily as the need became stronger. "Why didn't you warn me of this before?" I screech. 

"It isn't the best thing to start out with." He nearly chuckles but stops himself. 

"Just come here." I growl, tugging him to me by my shoulders. I no longer cared how he truly felt for me, the pain was too much. 

I kiss him roughly, some erratic boldness erupting from somewhere within me. I assume, a place a woman doesn't know she has until she has been with a man. A dark, lustful, naughty place, perhaps. A part of me I had completely ignored until now. 

He groans with genuine need against my lips, and clutches my hips. The contact helped, but it wasn't complete relief. Especially when I didn't intend to go all the way...as of now. 

"What do you choose?" He briefly breaks away to ask before I pull him back.

"I want to resist; keep my dignity, but I am not suffering until it goes away on its own." I finally conclude, boldly spoken once again. 

Inside, I knew giving up and speeding up the wedding is exactly what the Beast wants, and he's winning so easily...but what else am I to do? I don't want to marry as a Prince's whore. I want him to take me once I'm claimed as his. 

"Then, what do you want me to do now?" He murmurs sensually. His nose once again tracing my cheekbone. 

I sigh, part of me nervous, but I hardly feel like nervousness is important now. He can't even see me. "Keep the lamps off, and do whatever I let you." I instruct. 

He chuckles. "Dear, Lord, I never expected you'd turn out this bold in the bedroom. Perhaps, I do have to tame you after all."

I gasp, and lightly slap his wrist. "Oh, stop. I don't need your charming talk right now! I don't need it, trust me." I shove him backwards so he is laying beneath me. 

I curse myself under my breath for it, but I hike up my night gown and place his bare hand on my hip. He snickers, lowly, as I hiss my disapproval for his lolly gagging. 

Finally, after much kissing, Carlos is finally serious. Taking his time, I'm shocked to find him removing my nightgown entirely. After an inner debate with myself, I allow it, leaving my naked chest against his. 

He pulls away from my lips to kiss down the valley of my chest. I nearly explode when his fingertips take hold of one of my nipples. Testing the waters, he softly twists them, triggering the heat to become even stronger than before. 

"Oh, God, Carlos. You can't." I whimper. 

But he doesn't stop. I sit up to get away, but he sits up with me. "I can't-" I groan. He groans as well, sending another triggered wave through me at the mere sound of it. "You can." He replies, inhaling deeply. "Oh...Charlotte, you smell so good right now." 

"Don't say my name, it makes it worse." I growl, kissing him again. By this point, I'd finally gotten used to kissing despite never doing it before. I wish I had more time to think about this first step with Carlos, but at the moment I can't think of anything but Carlos' skin on mine. 

"Charlotte." He smirks against my lips. "Charlotte..." He kisses me roughly again before pulling away just to omit my name again. 

I sigh loudly and pull force myself away, breathing heavily. "Carlos...please." 

He sighs, his forehead resting against mine. "Do you want me to stop?" 

I close my eyes and wince, as the burning returned. "No...we can do a little more..." 

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