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Despite Carlos's confession I still need to escape with him. Now.

I pack in a matter of minutes before Carlos ushers me to leave out of the window, not even bothering to attempt leaving through either the front or the back entrance of the palace.

I said goodbye to my fancy dresses, sad to leave them behind with the possibility in mind that I will never wear them again - not that they were ever so important. Can you blame me? I'm abandoning the princess life every girl dreams of and I achieved...maliciously forced into, but that's not a detail that need be mentioned.

"How do you suggest we leave out of this window?" I groan, looking down at the daunting drop before me. The palace is not forgiving in its structure, providing us with nothing to climb down or barely a ledge to step on.

"Bed linens." Carlos shrugs, tugging them off the bed aggressively. "We'll tie them together and it will give us a start."

I stare at him blankly. "So I'll just climb down it and dangle there?"

Carlos sighs in exasperation. "I've never done anything like this before, Charlotte. What do you want from me?"

I shake my head and grab my bags. "We're going to your sisters room. She goes in and out without being seen, doesn't she?"

Carlos considers this but I leave without waiting for his response. He shrieks in panic as I sneak the door open, avoiding its creaky nature just by a smidge. "As long as her mind is safe, she will come with us."

Carlos follows behind me as I storm down the hallway on light feet. He doesn't speak a word until we've already barged into his sister's room without knocking.

Genevieve squeals in surprise before having her mouth covered by her brothers palm. "Shhh..." He hushes her. "We're leaving."

Genevieve looks wildly at us both until Carlos peels his hand off of her. "Whats going on?"

"Things have gone sour..." I murmur sadly. I can't even bring myself to explain everything to her.

"The Beast is more in control of us than I thought, and we need your help. He wants Charlotte dead so that he can start me over with a new bride." Carlos quietly explains to her. "He charged me with killing her myself as a partial punishment but I was able to's a secret for now, but not for long."

Genevieve gasps but doesn't hesitate to move into action. "I thought this day would come, brother." She mutters under her breath, clearly disappointed. "I just wish you would have come to your senses earlier to protect your bride!" She exclaims in a hushed voice.

My eyes widen but I don't step in as the siblings begin to bicker.

"What's that supposed to mean? Have you known something this whole time but never bothered to tell me?" Carlos stutters angrily. It was the first time I had heard his tone come out in such a way...and I can't deny it was stirring up some feelings in the pit of my stomach.

Oh, shush, I can't think of such things right now!

"Okay! How are we getting out of here?" I interupt them both. "And are you coming with us Genevieve?"

She nods sincerely. "We'll leave through the window. I have a rope. Stored here just for this situation."

I nod. "You're telling your brother what you know as soon as we're in the clear."

Genevieve seems surprised by my forwardness but makes no reply. Instead she flees to one of her small closets and unravels a long rope. She ties it sternly to her bedpost, not knowing what other object would suffice. "Get down first, Carlos, so you can catch your wife on the way down." She orders him, big sister-like.

I hide a smile and watch my uncertain husband approach the rope. "Scared of heights, Hun?" I mock him with a light smile.

He frowns but I know he senses my joking tone. "See you on the other side, love."

Genevieve smirks. "Oh, you two are too much. Now hurry!" She nearly shoves him out of the window.

He grunts and travels down the length of the rope as fluently as possible for someone who has never done such a thing. I nearly laugh at him until I realize it's my turn to be nearly pushed out the window.

Never being too terrified of heights too terribly before, I expected it to be easier than it was, but somehow, reality was just beginning to smack me in the face.

I am fleeing for my life.

If I mess up, it's over.

Sweat pours down my forehead as the sun beats directly on me.

What am I doing? I have nothing. I have brought nothing with me, and I still do not trust the two individuals with me 100%. I am still horribly worried about them betraying me against their will.

I hang from the rope and peer down at my still oblivious husband. He will catch me if I fall, I know, but will he carry me through so that my life is saved?

I let the rope slip through my hands, foolishly letting the material scratch its way across my hands...but I didn't care.

Carlos furrows his brow. "Are you okay?"

I look down at him from two stories up. "Yes."

He shakes his head and holds out his arms invitingly. "Jump. Don't suffer the rest of the while down."

I hesitate but he keeps urging me too, and finally, when Genevieve shrieks her opinion I let go, panicking for a second before I land with a soft thud in his arms.

I close my eyes as I relish in the feeling of his biceps cushioning me. My head nestles into his chest softly for a few moments before I know reality will have to return.

The reality that I do not know for certain that I have many days left.

He softly pushes aside my bangs out of my face. "Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart." He speaks into my ear. "I will stand by your side until the very end, my dear Charlotte."

I bite my lip and let him stand me to my feet as Genevieve reaches the ground all on her own.

She lets us have one more second before uttering her next command. "Now. We go into the village."

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