Shot. 1: Annoying Pragya Vs Bossy Abhi...

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Hola my crazy Abhigya pankhas....

Good day to you all....

Your crazy buddy Mahii (crazymahiz) is back again in this story as promised.....

Thanks for all your tremendous love and support to this story...

It's really so sweet of you all to wait patiently for the start of this story....

As requested by the birthday girl (June 20) tamilmozhi, I'm starting this story today... Dedicating this chapter to Tamil and to all my lovely readers....

Happy birthday Tamil... May God bless you with all happiness and joy...


So, let's not waste the time and move to our shot....

Warning: Read the story at your own risk....

Strictly no bashing is allowed...

No intentions to hurt anyone or the profession in which the characters are used in this story...

This is a work of fiction and is purely meant only for fun and entertainment only....

Let's step into the story...

Let's step into the story

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It's a lazy morning with the soothing and gentle drops of drizzle from the sky.. The rain drops are kissing the wet land again and again, making it to drown, passionately in love and bloom in happiness.... The atmosphere is way too cozy and everyone are cocooned like a small baby and are sleeping peacefully under their blankets....

The morning sun rays are not able to come up due to the drizzling sky and the day looks very dull and is giving a warning sign to some people that something gonna hit them very badly....Unaware of the dangerous situation that gonna engulf and give trouble to them, a petite figure and a handsome hunk is sleeping peacefully in their own places....


The alarm tickled and made the girl to wake up quickly... She quickly freshen up and did all her morning chores and packed her food too... She prays to God to give happiness to everyone and bless them all with good health....

She wears her uniform, picks up her bag and rushes outside, as the cab has come to pick her up... After accepting the greetings from her fellas formally, the head nurse Aaliya plasters a professional smile and gets inside the cab....

Aaliya couldn't understand why she is getting restless and tensed all of a sudden... She knows very well that the dean has informed already that she will be reporting to some other doctor today... She prays to God that it shouldn't be Dr. Purab, who runs behind her, flirting whenever possible and trouble her in the name of love....

Mr. Perfection vs Miss. Messy - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now